
Saturday, July 15, 2017

ice cream sociability

i know, way more clever than need be.  but i'll get to that in a moment.

quick recap, as i'm in the process of readying for another work day.  yesterday was good.  i got through the night with nothing more than sore feet.  i was on A side rather than B, i got my stuff done, learned about what to do when a resident turns in money, and i found that the female who's working midnights has a character flaw that i need to watch for.  i am tired, but not overtly so.  my mind is more weary at the moment.  found myself thinking in those 'yesterday' thoughts about when my parents leave on Tuesday, how nice it will be to clean the upstairs tub, run a hot bath with some good stuff bubbling in it, and just soak.  that will be pretty close to heaven.  of course, i can do that downstairs as well, but upstairs is just made for bathing, in my opinion.

anyway, my dad has gotten to the point where he's trying to find a way through without saying 'sorry, i was an asshole'.  so he bought me some more ice cream, of which i did not ask for and which i likely won't eat.  not because i'm being petty; because i never remember to eat ice cream unless its attached to another dessert.  i have ice cream in the downstairs freezer that i've yet to open.  but i know what it is, and i'm okay with it.  i love my dad; just don't always like his ways.  and it's the same in reverse.  we still will have to get straight on this shit, because i'm not going to be inundated by anyone ever again.  but i don't have to shit on his ice cream.  i just said thank you and kept it moving.  easier that way.

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