
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

completing the thought

not sure what is going to come tomorrow.  meaning, the gym, writing or what.  i feel pretty good tonight, getting off work, though i wish i had someone to talk to.  Lonnie is likely asleep, and of course no Rachel.  so i came home after a decent enough day, had some more food (good, hot greens...yum) and now i'm about to shut it down.  my mind keeps going back.  but why wouldn't it?  important to admit that i miss her.  but just as important to continue to follow through on the thought.  i miss her, and she doesn't want in a relationship what i want in a relationship.  i miss her, and she's doing okay, and i am going to be doing okay as well.  i miss her, and four days of work have passed and i've gotten through them and will get through tomorrow, God willing and the creek don't rise.  those are complete thoughts, and my mind would rather stop on the pain, like stopping on 'go directly to jail' in Monopoly, than run through to the healing parts.  but i'm managing okay.  just...okay for now.  we'll see what tomorrow brings if we're blessed to see it.  meanwhile, thank you, Father, and good night.

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