
Sunday, April 30, 2017

turkey grilling...

i didn't get much sleep last night, but i didn't expect to, so there's that.  i did not sleep very long because i had to get up to start cooking today.  i'd planned on grilling, doing a sunday dinner non-invitational, and i had to beat what was predicted as early rain.  so after getting to sleep well after 11pm, i was up at my usual 430 or so.  makes for a long day.

but i got up.  i said my prayers.  i read my books.  i came downstairs.  i heated mom's coffee, came into the basement and got my own coffee on, because i needed some right then and couldn't wait for the upstairs pot to heat up old coffee.  i checked my sugar, not bad, took meds, and went upstairs.  i broke down the grill and put the gratings in the basin in the basement to soak and i started my broth for my greens.  i won't go heavy into details.  i did collard/kale mix of greens in the crock pot, did dirty rice, which is just rice with some nice earthy additives and some aromatics, and i grilled the turkey that had marinated in buttermilk overnight.  i worked on that from about six to 12, then i went to my meeting.  i'd had breakfast, sausage and eggs, and i'd kept the dishes down by washing as i went.  my mom and dad were both up.  mom listening to her meeting at the Hall on the phone, dad going to sunday school and then to church.

i went to my meeting, got a text from Rachel that she was washing clothes and would get dropped at my parent's house when she was done.  the meeting was small and quick, and i headed home to make corn bread and check on my meal.  i got in and started my corn bread when i saw i had a text from Rachel, now asking if i could pick her up.  i grumbled a bit, as i was just on her side of town, but i put my corn bread together, asked my mom to keep an eye on it, and went to pick Rachel up.

my brother, who'd been by in the morning, had come back by the time we got to the house.  i checked to make sure all dishes were right, then i let them eat.  my brother ate first, then took a plate to go.  i ate next, then my dad.  my mom and Rachel ate last, in that order.  i miss the days of dining together.  but it's been a very long time since i've had that in my life.

i took Rachel home after a little bit.  she wasn't feeling well, still having the stomach issues going on.  i called Lonnie, but he was visiting his father.  i came home, and am about to shut it down, having done the dishes once more and taken the trash out.

i start work on Tuesday, YAY!  i'm very happy about that.  i am a bit apprehensive, but that's natural.  i can't think of a thing i'd rather do.  and it means i can start digging my way out of this hole in earnest.

down side of the day, Syd asking if i can take her to Liberty high school to catch her bus for the rest of the year.  schedule disruption, but it's going to happen no matter what.  she has to make some decisions, which will be seen by actions taken.  otherwise, i'm going to have to cut her off.  but that's neither here nor there.  it was a good day, dinner was good, company was good, and i'm about to shut it down. I thank you, Father, for a lovely day.

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