
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

melancholy and muses

i'm tired today.  so much continues to go on.  it seems like any attempt to draw a breath just brings less oxygen to my lungs, like a spiritual choking.  but it's not accurate.  i'm doing what i can do, doing all i can.  all that remains is for me to get ready for the beginning of the training session, to take care of what i can take care of.  but you really just don't know how a thing will turn out ahead of time.

i got up good today.  prayer, scriptures, meditation books, dressed for the gym.  i got my mom's coffee heated up, got my pot turned on in the basement and i got to the gym.  did the treadmill, didn't do a whole half hour, but it was a good workout.  a white guy that is a regular got on the treadmill next to mine.  when i finished, i turned to him and thanked him for walking next to me.  he asked why did i thank him and i told him most people don't walk next to me.  we bumped fists and i left.  

i went to Walmart for breakfast stuff before i came back to the house. i got some coffee and water, took my blood sugar, 114, took meds and insulin and started on my breakfast.  i made two breakfast burritos for myself, a breakfast sandwich for my mom.  i got a load of clothes washed and into the dryer, which i am currently just remembering is in the dryer and will attend to shortly.  i got gas and a bag of ice for the house.  i went to the Clinic and paid the rent for March for the wednesday CA meeting.  i went up the hill to the Fellowship Hall to the noon meeting to check on my friend Greg.  he was doing okay, and since i'd heard differently, i was cool with that.  i stayed for half the meeting, went to see Rachel, talked to her for a few, went to have lunch with Lonnie, then came back to the house.  

Chris had told me last week she'd be in town today, and she texted me when she was in.  she's leaving the state next week and came to say her good-byes.  i talked to her for a bit, asked her to address some things with Syd, and i'm waiting for Syd to call to say she's ready to go to the store.  we talked about some other things, and then she went around the corner to see Syd.  i have made dinner for my parents but they both ate something else so that will do for their dinner tomorrow.  i am learning that the ethernet splitter i was planning on using won't work, as one computer will interfere with the other one.  so i have to come up with a plan B of my own right about now.  it's frustrating.  i have a job, i have space to work, and if i could do it wifi i'd invest in a better laptop.  but it has to be hardwired to a modem and that's not going to be feasible, apparently.  but, as i progress, i know it will work out.  i have no doubt about that. patience is called for; patience i will maintain.  time to get my clothes out the dryer.  thank you, Jehovah, for a good day.  

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