
Thursday, April 6, 2017

ER followup and date night reflections

i come home to find military action being taken against Syria.  i'm not surprised, but i know this is just more meat thrown into a cage of idiotic, rabid wild dogs.  the world is scary, and i am not afraid, just sad.

anyway, today started very well.  i got a great night's sleep, took Rachel's suggestion to use the binaural beats video on Youtube.  slept the night through.  woke and prayed and read and got dressed for the gym.  i got to the gym on time, did weights but didn't overdo it, came back to the house, got my shower and got my coffee and my mother's done.  i took my meds, my insulin, had my second fish from yesterday for breakfast and got myself together for my appointment with my cardiologist.

i got an ekg and it was good, and my blood pressure was spot on.  i got more samples of my new blood thinner and a script for more.  again i returned to the house, my dad was gone to an appointment with my brother driving him, and i had a little bit of lunch, as i knew i was going to dinner with Rachel and i didn't want to not be able to eat as i wanted.

i picked up Rachel about 5p, we went to Olive Garden, had a good dinner and good conversation, and then went through Gabe's store to kill some time.  i was looking for a stuffed animal for Rachel, but they didn't have one.  we went to the movie, had a decent time, and then i took her home.  it was a nice evening; the best part of course being spending some time with her.  i miss hanging with her.

i am going to the gym in the morning, treadmill day.  i'm going to counseling, thank heavens.  i'm going to start working on what comes next as far as the Amazon job goes.  and i'm going to take it easy, think about the woman i adore, and start making some plans for my coming birthday.  not great plans, just plans.  i am grateful for a good day, and i thank my Father for his blessing.

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