
Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mars and Venus, all fucked up...

the woman i adore.

this has been a lesson day, a blessing in itself, and stressful in it's own poignant revelations.  i hope the day after 50 is not nearly this tumultuous.

i got up feeling good.  i'd slept pretty good, had a great day yesterday and was ready to get things done.  i said my prayers, took my time reading scriptures and my meditations, and i got my ass moving.  i went downstairs, turned on my mother's coffee part, and ambled to the basement to start MY OWN COFFEE.  happiness.

i checked my sugar, magnificent after my triple threat chocolate cake the night before.  took my insulin, my pills, drank some coffee and water and got it moving.  i made breakfast for my mom and myself.  was slated to take my dad to his cousin's house for Easter, and was waiting for Rachel to bring my car back.

that's the end of the good parts of the day.

through my brother Jerry i learned that my sister, her husband and perhaps their children are moving into my grandparent's house.  the house i've been at my parent's house waiting to be vacated.  at the invitation of my cousin, who's supposed to be moving out.  that was the gray clouds rolling over my day, as they would for anyone who'd been waiting for the place they were told would be theirs to be empty only to learn, quoting Blazing Saddles, '...they're staying in droves!'

before that, Rachel had informed me she detoured from doing her laundry to the casino, so was broke and all her clothes were dirty.  she refused my suggestion she come here to do clothes, as i knew she would.

my anger was simmering.  i talked to Rachel and Lonnie about it.  i tried to let it work itself out.  my plans are still to pray about it, because some things need more than simple cliche or trite slogans from well-meaning people.  sometimes you have to turn it over and wait to see what the actual issue is, and what God is going to do to bring resolution.  i was not there then; i am now though.  next step.

i got a call from Syd.  talking to De'Ja the day before, i'd learned there is great trouble in paradise, and i doubted if i'd get the entire situation from either of the parties.  but i picked up Syd, brought her here to feed her and got her side of things.  later, i talked to Joe, who finally came by, and got his side of things.  honestly, my only concern in any of this is the fact that the grass has not yet been cut, and that Syd won't be able to maintain the apartment by herself.  but that is neither here not there at the moment.  i fed her, gave her cake to take home, talked to her.  talked to Joe.  have to turn them over, let them go.

i talked to my dad at the end of the evening.  he is trying to bring about a resolution to the current situation with the house.  but i believe that Jehovah has me here for a reason.  someone has to help look after my parents.  would my sister do that?  i don't believe so, but i can't say that for sure.  i can say, for a certainty, that i will.  but my dad is seeing my cousin's manipulation and he is adamant about things coming together for me.  i told him i didn't want him to stress about it.  i apologized for not going in to say hello to his cousins.  no matter what, i don't need to be an asshole to anyone.

i think that's pretty much it.  i'm really tired, i'm trying to do the gym tomorrow, and i have so much on my mind and my plate that i'm literally overwhelmed right now.  but i'll get over it.  thank you, Father, for a day of new information.

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