
Saturday, April 15, 2017

Endings & Beginnings, Pt 2 (the new beginning)

I have no complaints about today, though i have to admit it started out as an exercise in senility.  

i woke early, stayed laying down and finally got up.  my mom went for her sleep study yesterday night, so only my dad and i were in the house.  i said my prayer, did my reading, got my stuff together and came down the steps.  i brewed a pot of coffee in my mom's  pot, since she wasn't here and i could do a pot of regular without issue, and i took my shower.  that's the condensed, undetailed version.  truth is, i got up and couldn't find my glasses.  i'd said before that i was becoming comfortable in the house, to the extent of leaving my glasses downstairs by the computer, but i did a room by room, area by area search and didn't find them.  sucked in its own way because, as glasses wearers can relate, finding glasses WITHOUT your glasses is like playing 'Where's Waldo?' when the picture is of a snowstorm.  so i did my morning without my glasses.  as well, i decided, since i was possibly spending time with Rachel today, to shave again, though i did it yesterday.  the stubble that i grow is hardcore, the water maybe wasn't hot enough, didn't use enough shaving cream, whatever the case, i was soon an abattoir, two huge cuts on my head, blood streaming down to my neck, around my ears, my wash cloth crimson from cleaning up.  i got myself and the blood cleaned up, took my shower, had coffee, went upstairs to put my stuff away, looked under the futon and on the floor and finally surrendered and there they were, on the back of the couch in the attic, where i'd laid down briefly before the futon and sleep.  i felt 49 and senile, i kid you not.
i did make it to Denny's for my free breakfast.  that was cool enough, but their policy has changed quite a bit since last i decided to brave Denny's for a birthday meal. in the morning you get 4 picks from their 'build your own Grand Slam' menu.  so i had two pancakes, of which i ate half, i had four sausages, and two scrambled eggs that were overcooked.  the coffee was overpriced, and you had to pay for your own coffee. but it was free breakfast, and it was a good start to the day.  a family of white people were at the table next to me, and the grandfather wished me a happy birthday, and i complimented him on his wool cap, which was truly awe-inspiring.  he told me it was hand knitted and one of a kind and i told him it looked magnificent on him, which made him happy.  
the rest of the day was fairly uneventful.  i set up my computer, but the microphone is not working with Audacity.  no reason to worry at the moment; that's not my focus.  but i have to check it out eventually.  my dad, whom i told i was off the clock to yesterday, came to ask me if i'd take him to my grandparent's house, which is still not occupied by me, to get money from my cousin who's still not moved out of that house.  i told him i was about to leave, then got my ass in gear so it wasn't a lie.  
i got a double beef burrito at taco bell, called Lonnie from the parking lot, went into Dollar General to get my coffee pot and filters, and went to Campbell to visit with Lonnie.  i hung there for awhile, then Rachel, who'd called to say she was running behind today while i was at DG, called to say she was going to take a car to her daughter, and to pick her up in Boardman and we'd go to lunch.  i said cool, and off i went.
we went to a Chinese restaurant in Boardman for lunch, nice place, good food.  we went to Ollie's after that, but i didn't find what i was looking for.  we went to the movies and saw The Shack, or rather, i saw the movie.  Rachel's sugar was high and she fell asleep.  good movie, a bit thin in build up, but a feel good spiritual movie for those into that.  then we came back here to the house.  
i showed Rachel the basement so far, and she spent some time with my mother.  i cut the cake, pictured above, and we each had a slice.  i cut a piece for Rachel's daughter, wrapped it up, or Rachel wrapped it, and then we went on the porch and hung out.  we talked and spent time together, and it was very, very nice.  i miss hanging out with her.  i know she misses it too, and i'm sure that's what was part of her motivation for her comments about me not being in my apartment.  but it was a good evening, a good day.  my brother Jerry gave me 4 Carlos Castanedas books.  the coffee was wonderful that VF gave me.  i said a bunch of thank you's to  people on FB, the new way to say Happy Birthday to someone.  we are people barely aware of our humanity anymore.  but a lovely woman gave me a chocolate layer cake with chocolate frosting and shaved curls of chocolate, and a wonderful lady gave me a great coffee.  fuck the lack of humanity; i am steeped in good people and that's what's really important to me.

i am grateful to God for a good day.  not a good birthday per se, but a good day.  also, many of the saying, the philosophies and the messages in The Shack are things that i've learned and said over the years, many times in many situations to many people.  good to know you're not the only one who thinks the way you do.  time for sleep.  Rachel's got my car, washing clothes.  time to shut it down.  

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