
Sunday, April 9, 2017

stuffed like a goddamned glutton...happy Sunday!

so, the day is just about over.  i got in my first grill of the year, not on my own grill, not at my own home, but it was worth it.  a lovely afternoon, a good meal and a perfect sweet potato pie.  who could ask for anything more?

i didn't do the whole thing today.  i prayed, but i didn't do my reading.  i got up and took a shower and i groomed and got myself ready to go to the Hall.  my mom got up and started getting herself together, but i think she backed out because my aunt wasn't going and my mom was forcing herself because she was going to check on my aunt.  i decided i was going anyway.  also decided i wasn't going to make anything for the potluck at the meeting.

the Hall was good.  always good to see someone keeping a lesson relevant and pertinent to things that are going on today.  especially with the global news that Putin is in the process of banning Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia.  i stayed woke mostly through the Watchtower.  don't know if i'm going to the Memorial, haven't decided yet.  then i went to my meeting.  it wasn't bad, doing the prefaces to the different editions of the Big Book, and next week will be the Doctor's Opinion.  people tend to overlook these things, but it's because we want the convenience of a pristine history.  it's the American way, maybe just a human thing.  people don't want to see how racist AA was in the beginning, anymore than they want to see the racism of the JW's or any other organization.  and Indians (Native people to this continent) were savages, and blacks were happy singing lazy shiftless children who only wanted to fry chicken and eat white women, and Chinese were shifty and 'inscrutable', and so on and so on.  but, i like the history.  because with the history, you see the progress, and an honest history creates a significant view of the progress and a good map of a possible future.

anyway, i came home.  i got dinner done.  just finished eating too much.  my sweet potato pie is divine.  i am paranoid about the chicken.  area of contention, between myself and my father.  when i was learning to cook my dad was a horrible critic, or a very good critic, depending on how you choose to interpret.  and because chicken was one of the hardest things for me to learn, i went through a lot of grief about it with him.  so today, even though i cook a wonderful chicken, i am apprehensive each time i cook chicken with him in mind.  but there are always parts of being children that we never really get completely over.

i have to go to Ravenna with Rachel tomorrow to do the rest of the I-9 stuff for the Amazon job.  i have to get a good night's sleep, and i'd like to get to the gym, so i feel like my day is pretty much done.  i am so grateful, it was a very good day, and i know i've been blessed.  Thank you, Jehovah, and may your spirit be with those suffering political persecution.

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