
Friday, April 7, 2017


it's been a longish day.  i am lying on this futon at the moment, listening to jazz on WYSU, which is a nice run on a Friday night.  i've a need for some sleep, but only coming to time to actually indulge in that after i write this entry, 2033 in military time.

i woke before my alarm today, thought about not going to the gym but was up and dressed, almost on auto-pilot.  i went downstairs, had some water, heated my car and cleaned off the April snow (yes, irony/sarcasm) and went to the gym.  i did the treadmill; no furtive people today, for which i was happy.  talked to Rose at the front desk as i was leaving.  i went to McD's and got coffee for my mother and myself, and came back to the house, fixed my coffee, got water, took my meds and insulin.  i'd prayed and read before i got downstairs.  TF had texted me during the night to ask if i could take her daughter to school, i told her i'd have to have there there early.  i left at 8, intending to go for breakfast at BK before picking the child up, but i got a text asking if i had time to take TP to get coffee.  since i needed gas anyway, i said yes, bypassed my breakfast, got gas, took her for coffee, came back to get her daughter and took her to school.  i stopped at Subway for breakfast, saw Lena from the meetings working, and though she hooked me up with massive steak and egg flatbread sandwiches, she talked me into being a bit late for counseling.

at counseling i was exhausted but it was good to be there.  talked about family things, religious observances and some losses.  i went to my parent's house after that, heated my sandwich, ate brunch and took a small nod in the living room chair.  there wasn't much more eventfulness in the day.  talked to parents, got them fed as far as dinner goes, watched some television, started planning out my set-up for my computer in the basement here, took a nap, talked to Keith and Lonnie and Rachel.  messed around online a bit.  ate dinner.  i'm now about to find some good sleep video, turn off the radio and crash deep and long for the night.  i'm grateful, as it was a peaceful day.  it was cold, it snowed, it was a grey day.  but i have shelter, i'm fed and i have a comforter to wrap up in.  good stuff.  thank you, Father.

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