
Thursday, March 30, 2017

...well, at least this time i have an excuse...

you know, life is funny. but its rarely funny in a way that makes you want to laugh.  more like, its funny in a way that makes you think, makes you ponder and makes you...careful.  and that's not really funny at all, but sometimes you laugh to keep from screaming.  or maybe that's just me.

i have been feeling as if i were getting sick for several days now.  i've placed it on all kinds of things.  i've felt maybe it was the weather.  maybe it was whatever Syd had.  some kind of viral thing going around, big flu outbreak, everyone sick.  why wouldn't i get sick too?  i went to the gym on tuesday, because monday i just didn't have the energy.  wednesday, yesterday, i went outside and walked.  walked the driveway first, then i walked the street up to Walmart driveway and back, walked the driveway again and came in.  i'd had a gout flare again and just wanted to work the stiffness out.  it helped quite a bit, but i also took a shitload of cold meds, slept a lot of the day away and was not in the best of moods.

that was yesterday.  today, i woke up, again feeling drained.  i got up and said prayers, i didn't do my readings though.  i went down the stairs, took a shower, had coffee, had a pancake and eggs for breakfast, watched some television.  but i was not tracking well at all. went to put on water for my aunt's tea; put the eye on under the skillet i'd washed instead.  didn't even realize it; my aunt came down the stairs and asked if i wanted her to turn it off.  i got coffee made for my mother, but i couldn't fix breakfast for anyone.  i had a doctor's appointment today, i figured whatever was going on i'd get some resolution there.  i left early, felt winded and sluggish and drained on the drive to warren.

i made it to my appointment, did paperwork, got my vitals done and saw the NP.  A1C and blood sugar good, blood pressure was a bit elevated.  i was just there to get prescriptions filled.  turned out, i ended up going to the emergency room at St. E's.  i was having an irregular heartbeat, severe enough that the NP said i was going to the hospital and i'd likely be staying.

i called Lonnie on my way over and he said he'd ride up with me.  called Rachel but it went right to voice mail.  I went to my parent's house first, to get some shorts and a tee-shirt and slippers, and my phone charger.  didn't want to worry my parents until they had to be worried.  i picked up Lonnie and went to the ER.  they got my information, i was irritable off jump.  then i bypassed the triage and went right into a trauma room.  now, that's not as bad as it sounds.  they were PACKED, and they wanted to get me somewhere they could check on my heart and work if they had to.  had a regular ER room been available, i would have been there.

but i was in worse shape than i knew.  i was in A-Fib, and they hit me with some Cardizem, which got my heart beating in its entirety again.  the rest was routine for an ER visit.  a line in my arm, EKG and BP and a pulse-ox on the finger.  took me eventually to a regular ER room, after telling me i'd be staying at least overnight.  saw my cardiologist and his own NP, a few doctors and many nurses.  their assessment is, the aspirin that i'd been taking had not been as effective, therefore my heart was susceptible to A-Fib as the aspirin wasn't thinning the blood as it needed to be.  but at the same time, they were worried i might have some clotting in my heart, due to the unthinned blood.  so, observation, saline drip.  questions.  eventually they fed me.  decided to change me from aspirin to Xarelto, but they were going to go with a blood thinner that would cost me $600 plus for a 30 day supply.  thank heavens that didn't happen, because i've got another year paying on my death arrangements before i can die and not have to worry about the balance on the bill.

so, i'm at my parent's house now.  Rachel and i are in some weird space.  i assume she had planned not to go to the OCCHA event, but she only told me she wasn't feeling well.  i'd already texted her telling her i wasn't going to go, as i was going to the ER.  i don't know, but i'm thinking about a lot of things in that area right now.  regardless, ISOHYET is ready in Kindle and almost ready with Create Space.  my prescriptions will be filled tomorrow and i'm about ready to go to bed, to get my self some rest and start my day with deliberation and decision.  i am grateful to Jehovah God.  i could be dead right now.  that's the honest truth.  and i'd have only thought i had a touch of the flu.  time to stop being stupid to stay in the running with certain individuals.  that's unhealthy.  later.

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