
Sunday, March 5, 2017


some days, it just comes clear.  this is a space that a person has to travel through to get to where they are supposed to be.  there is no way to supersede that process and there is no genuine way to avoid ti completely.  you have to go through that space, and perhaps, if you've paid attention, you will find that you've become what you thought you never could.  it's a slipstream of sorts, where time goes forward and backward simultaneously, and the true trick is to watch it, to be certain you're going where you actually wanted to go.

time travel is not happens every day in the human mind.

so i got up this morning after a night of intermittent leg cramps waking me from a fitful sleep, and when the leg cramps weren't working on me, the bladder surely was. i managed to get back to sleep for a period of time, but i was still tired and expected to be.  nonetheless, i had a breakfast date with Chris and i intended to keep it.
no dramatics involved.  Syd told Chris i was here, indicative of Syd being worried about me.  Chris asked if we could hook up and i told her she could buy me breakfast today.  we went to Bob Evans in what was part of our old neighborhood, and like everything else, the changes were evident.  we spoke of many things, including i guess cabbages and kings.  but the gist was i urged her to leave the pain that she's always carried with her behind when she leaves the state, as she deserves a life free from poisoned melancholy.  i thanked her for being a part of my life and for Syd.  we let it go at that, though we met far longer than i'd expected.  but that's not a bad thing either.
I did say my prayers this morning, and i took my medicine, but i left my readings at the apartment.
i came back to DeJa's from breakfast and got myself centered, though still exhausted.  DeJa's girlfriend went to a brunch and DeJa fixed us some lunch and then we went to the store.  we talked about his relationship things, and mine, and his business, and mine, and eventually he and she went to work.  it is always nice visiting with him.  i looked up bookstores in Dayton and have plans to head that way tomorrow.  no harm in trying, right?  tonight, i'm going to lay back, make some calls, get some rest and plan my day tomorrow.  i am going to see Porsha and her son tomorrow, will likely see Vera also.  but i have to keep placing my information, if i want this to eventually bear fruit.  thank you, Father, for a good day.

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