
Monday, March 27, 2017

a day off (slow regeneration)

this is monday again.
i did not get a good start to the day.  granted, i said my prayers, i read my meditation, i took my meds and my insulin, my reading was good on my glucose.  had breakfast.  but i got up at 9, or so.  turned off my ringing alarm.  didn't bother with the gym, like i didn't bother with the meeting yesterday.  just laid in bed, thinking, processing, feeling sort of bummed out.
i finally got up and got that shit done.  not the gym though.
i got out the house for the first time because Syd's school called and she was not feeling well.  i went to get her, no questions.  took her home, got my mail, my check from JCC was there, as well as my new debit card and password.  went to take care of that business.  deposited the check.  then i went back home for a bit.  i had been working on my new poetry collection most of the day, so that was my meditation of sorts, i guess.  Lonnie called and asked did i want to do lunch and i said sure.  i went to pick him up at one and realized i'd left my phone by the computer.  wool gathering to extremes.  got my phone, got Lonnie, went to lunch, told him how i'm seeing some good changes in Syd, talked about some family things, then i dropped him back on campus and went back to the house.  good to have a friend.
talked to Rachel couple times.  subdued on my end, but i'm not trying to engage her too much.  bitterness does something weird to me right now.  i need to get my thoughts tracked back out so i can deal with things again, but for now she is very much in a neutral zone.  figure at the beginning of the month she'll be back at the casino and she's going to put herself back in bad space.  that's my assessment.  but, maybe she'll win big.  or maybe she won't go.
i've chilled most of the evening.  i ate, watched some of a movie with my mother, worked some more on the book.  it didn't format correctly so i'm going to work it out tomorrow.  going to gym.  going to check on spot downtown for my Youngstown Organix idea.  going to do things.  because that's the only way things get done.

life is strange.  i am grateful though.  the ordinary would drive me crazy.  thank you, Father.

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