
Thursday, March 16, 2017


i decided against the gym today.  no particular reason; i woke, felt the sleep was still deep within me and decided it was a day to lay in.  that was okay, as i was still dealing with some of the residuals from yesterday.  eventually i did get up, maybe 540 or so, and i did my morning things, prayer, readings, meds, heating up coffee for mom and making myself coffee.  then i went back upstairs and fell asleep again for a bit.  that kind of day.

wait, that's all wrong.  i did better than that.

i got up and i came downstairs and i put water on for my coffee and i took a shower.  after my shower, i made myself a to-go cup and a cup to drink while i did my readings and my medicines.  my sugar was great this morning, chicken and salad never did me no harm.  i then went upstairs to the bathroom (designations:  mom's bathroom, downstairs off the kitchen.  dad's bathroom, upstairs in the back) and shaved my face and head.  then i went up to the 3rd floor (Switzerland, in the territorial war between my parents) and got myself dressed.  i came back downstairs and made myself some breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen and prepared for the day.  all that was good on the schedule was seeing Rachel, which included taking her to two appointments.  what was stressful was finishing the car thing with TF, but even that was not too big a pain in the ass.  more later.

i left here about 1015 as planned.  i had watched some television before that, and i heated up my car it was so cold.  got to Rachel about 11, she was ready but just waking up.  went to the gas station to get gas and found my bank card still wasn't working.  i took Rachel to her first appointment and made my second call to my bank, who said they'd issued another card some time ago, and the one i was using was no longer active.  i texted Syd and asked her to look for the envelope that might contain my card when she got home, and continued on with Rachel.  we had lunch, went to a Dollar Tree, went to a second appointment and then came to my parent's house.

i talked to her in the driveway, wanting to express that my heart was heavy from her experiences with family as of late, but that i believed in her and others should too.  then we came in the house.  my mom was glad to see her and they seemed to have a nice visit.  one thing about my mother; when she is in it, she can make anyone feel as if they have finally made it home anytime they visit.  i worked on my first flyer after a point, then went to do the car thing with TF.  i left Rachel here visiting.

the car return started out frustrating, as TF was late.  5 is five, after all.  she got there about 15 minutes late, and i drove the car around to the rental place.  it was crowded but the brother remembered me from the rental and just took the keys.  i took TF home, and she gave me a bag with 2 shirts she'd gotten for a dollar each from Gabriel Brothers.  then i came back home.

i had gotten hungry again, and my mom said she was as well.  none of us could decide what we wanted, so i made a giant frittata instead of going out to spend money on junk.  it turned out well, and we had garlic bread on the side.  my dad came home, the Cleveland leg of the trip fell through thank heavens, and Rachel is now borrowing my car and i'm washing a load of clothes just to clean lotion off the shirts i was given.  i am going to forego the gym point pushing the envelope too much...but i am going to counseling and i am going to get my stuff together tonight so i'm ready to roll at eleven, though my dad won't really be ready at that time.

i feel good.  i actually feel not bad.  i had a moment this morning, when i started getting it moving, and i couldn't find my glasses, and i realized there was only one place they could be, which was downstairs by the computer, and that was not good, because it means i am starting to nest here, whick is a no-no.  but i'm writing poetry, working on a new collection and taking flyers to see if i can get them placed in Detroit.  i'm on point with the mission, which means God is doing what He does, and i have to keep doing what i do.  i am grateful, i thank God for bringing me forward, and i will take the next step when i know where to put my foot.

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