
Monday, January 30, 2017 time, a person learns what they need to know.  and the lesson is as varied as the amount of individuals currently learning any given lesson.  it is intrinsically true that no two people will approach any given situation the exact same way, yet there are only so many responses in the human physiology.  so, the nuances, the knee-jerk reactions, the grooved responses, the muscle memory and a myriad of other infinitely tiny cues must be the reason that each individual approaches a particular situation or learning in their own particular way.

i had a good day today, though i was only a partial participant in it.  i got up way too early, long before four, and though i drowsed a bit, i still got up and said my prayers and got the day started way before my alarm was scheduled to go off.  i did stretches, crunches, got up and took my blood sugar, read my bible and meditation books, had coffee and water and went to the gym.  it was a treadmill day, and the walk was pretty easy.  my heart rate is much better controlled now, and it is time to begin increasing distance, since i refuse to be hurried by anyone.

i left the gym and came home and took my insulin and meds and had breakfast eventually.  i then did a lot of nothing, and i am not proud to admit that.  i did not feel there was anything in particular that required my effort at that time.  i went to my parent's house and spoke with them and had a sandwich for lunch.  pretty sure the potato salad i ate was too old, but i ate it anyway.  bet i'll pay for that tomorrow...😭😭😭😭

anyway, i left there about a quarter after 1, going down to the city jail for a visit.  got a collect call from Heather, which i didn't answer as i never do.  possibly it was a request for a later visit, as she was not present when i went in and up to visit her.  but i did go there, and we'll talk soon enough i'm sure.  i came home, talked to Lonnie for a good while, and watched some Twilight Zone.

Syd bought pizza for dinner, and some wings for me.  i've eaten, i've rested though i've been unable to nap.  i am now waiting to pick my aunt up from the bus station and take her back to the house, and then my day is done.

i've gotten my aunt from the bus station, and i have returned home.  i've spoken to Rachel for a good amount of time.  i am weary, from not napping.  i am going to the gym tomorrow.  that's the plan anyway.  and i am grateful and thankful to God for a very peaceful day, in which i once again was able to see how my God does what he does on his own time, and it's always right on time.  good night.

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