
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

a really bad name for a really short month...


The Roman month Februarius was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar.

This is really a good start to a month, but i have come to have a disdain for February in general.  i think mostly because of Black History Month, where suddenly everyone is kind of cool with blackness.  but also because it is generally the coldest month of winter, and i'm not enjoying this cold at all, to be perfectly honest.  but it does mean that spring is a month or so away, and that's always a good thing.  

i got up today after a HUUUUUUGE sleep.  i mean, i crashed like a rubbernecker on a cellphone on the turnpike in an ice storm.  i crashed and woke with my internal alarm and Syd knocking on my door, telling me Joe was taking her to get some breakfast at 430 in the morning.  i waved her on and went back to sleep.  then i got up officially and had my prayer and moved slowly.  i started my breakfast before she left for school.  because my back's been bothering me i forwent any exercise at all today, trying to rest everything.  i had a good initial sugar reading, had ham and eggs for breakfast, took meds and insulin.  my meeting was very short, my parents are doing okay, and i am ready for whatever will masquerade as a nap today.  i have a day between myself and renewed funds, and i can hold out for 36 hours.  meanwhile, i am feeling pretty good, i am not in a great deal of discomfort, i am thoughtful and thankful, as Sly put it, and i am grateful, above all else.  God always shows me that it's taken care of, and I always act like i don't know that it is, though i do know.  i'm done.  sorry about yesterday, but i was tired.  cooking for my parents has a way of doing that.  

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