
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

making it up as i go along...

what i appreciate about this video, what i guess i appreciate about Bowie (now that he's gone, sadly), is how there is truly something to be said about a man who is so immersed in his craft that he can make his last videos literally dying, and he can make one final album that sews his career together, like a beautiful shroud for his transitioning flesh.  i will never be on that level, but if i can get close to that kind of integrity with my art, i will consider myself a success at what i've chosen to do.

so today was good enough.  that's about the summation of it all.

i was up before my alarm, and i couldn't fall back asleep.  my mind was on several things, but i got it quieted enough to pray and get the day moving.  i didn't do my readings until the afternoon, actually.  but my sugar was good, i had coffee and water and got to the gym.  today was weights, and a guy pleasantly surprised me by holding the door as i came in and calling me by my name.  that made me feel good.  i know for me it's always pleasant to know someone knows who i am because they pay attention to things.

anyway, did weights, came home, took meds and insulin.  got my breakfast together and cooked and ate once Syd and Joe were gone.  then i got started on something to make me feel good in the day.  i printed out my business cards and i cut them, so they are ready along with my quarter flyers.  i started working on a new song as well, and i got the music wrapped up this evening.  i'm happy with it so far, but i have no idea what the lyrics are going to be.  i'll work on them tomorrow.  i went to the store and got a beef roast for dinner, and i replaced the yogurt of Syd's that i ate yesterday.  i worked pretty steadily, though i took time to lay back as well.  i ascertained some things i'd need for being in Columbus this weekend, and i started working on dinner.

its cool to think in terms of what comes from what you're doing at the moment.  like having a beat and knowing that i wanted to try to construct something with all the elements, even if they were electronic.  drums, bass, guitars and synthesizer.  or, making a beef roast, baked potatoes and cali blend veggies, and having it in mind to make a stew for tomorrow from the remnants.  that makes me feel good.  like it's thinking ahead, which is important.

so the evening fell.  Syd and i ate.  got the dishes done, got the stew made, coffee's ready to brew.  the song is ready for words.  i am ready for bed.  tomorrow i have a meeting.  no gym, that i can tell right now.  going to start the clothes tomorrow.  being productive.  no harm in moving careful.  Jehovah, i am blessed and grateful tonight.

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