
Wednesday, January 11, 2017


you ask for prayers...

you open your heart
and the ice rain falls
and it chills your blood
and it seizes your bones
and the thoughts
and glaze over with cold
and you realize
once again
you're all alone.

you ask for prayers.

how deep down the well
does the stale water go?
when the aquifer's empty
what will the crops drink?
it's empty of rain
but its full of old tears
and with no fresh incoming
it's starting to stink...

you ask for prayers...

early in the moon phase
all the coffers ran dry,
only debt, IOU's,
no deal above table,
no plans can be laid
for there's not much to say
even less we can do...

so you ask
for prayers...

and sometimes,
they pray,
and sometimes
they won't,
the words get in
the way,
and sometimes
God seems to hear,
other times,
but you ask for prayers
when prayer's all
that you've got.

James 5:16 - Therefore openly confess YOUR sins to one another and pray for one another, that YOU may get healed. A righteous man’s supplication, when it is at work, has much force.

the poem is because i need prayers.  i just realized, i guess in my seeking to subdue the maniac who's been running my mind lately i overlooked, my loan payment will come out this friday.  that will leave a total of about 150 dollars for the last half of the month.  it's almost enough to make me scream.  but again, the words of earlier are not out of commission, they are not voided by the later hour of the day.  Toti knows the right thing to do, and i do too.  i'm going to just hold on.  got food, got shelter and utilities paid for.  can't do anything else except ask for prayers and wait for them to be answered, in God's own time.  i do believe.  

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