
Thursday, January 19, 2017

...imperceptible, only without eyes...

today was a good day, and it involved nothing in particular.

i got up on time, i got stretches and crunches done and i got dressed for the gym.  i got to the gym on time, did the weight machines, said my hello's, talked to the lady at the front desk, came home and got into the editing.  i had breakfast and kind of shut it down from there, not feeling like i wanted a busy day today.  i talked to one Tim O'Bryan, from Campbell, who is inquiring about editing and media saturation services.  i am going to read the chapters he sent to me and see what i can do for him, give him an outline of what i think and what Z-Phyles offers, and let him decide from there.  but it was an official inquiry with an official response, and that's damn good, if i open my eyes to it.

i did nothing else for most of the day.  i talked to Lonnie and Rachel, briefly.  i tried to watch some television, but my mind just hasn't been there lately.  i did sporadic editing on both Felecia's book and my song Drug of Choice.  i napped.  i watched some animation on Hulu.  eventually, i went to pick up my dad and take him to his board meeting and i checked on my mother.  i picked up the turkey i had my aunt take from the deep freezer, as i'm planning a Sunday dinner at my parent's house Sunday, so perhaps we can do a family thing and perhaps they'll have some fresh leftovers to snack on for the week.

i have coffee ready for tomorrow, i'm going to the gym, to counseling and to the grocery store.  i'm going to keep it simple.  God is blessing me, but if i stay trapped in my worry and fear i'll miss the whole thing.  thank you, Jehovah, for showing me that i need not fear overtly.

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