
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

sharing a day

i'm catching up on yesterday, starting early today.  i have things to do, an interview, but i let the day go yesterday and it was a pretty good one, so i'm going to put it down anyway.

i got up pretty close to on time.  i said prayer, read scripture and readings from daily books, i did crunches and stretches, i had a good sugar reading, and i got my ass moving to the gym.  i did the treadmill.  it had been a bit since i was in (i didn't go today, by the way, but i'll get to that later), and it was good to see people that i've come to know, even if its just faces and the times they walk through the door.  i came home and made an omelet for breakfast and saw Syd out the door.  my plan for the day was to go to my parent's house to cook for them, wash a load of clothes because my mom had asked me if i was going to, and figure out what dinner was going to be.  but Rachel had asked me the night before if i had anything planned that would keep me from helping her get to her GA meeting and her doctor's appointment.  she offered to buy me some groceries.  i told her i would, and after i took my shower and got dressed i let her know i was on my way.  her meeting was at 830 and we got there early.  i left the parking lot only briefly, to go to a bathroom at a gas station and get a small coffee.  i read a book, i listened to music and i got her at 10 when her meeting was done.
we went to Big Lots to kill some time and got her some containers for some dry goods she had an abundance of.  then she went to her doctor appointment.  i read, i napped and then we went to Aldi's.  i got some stuff and so did she.  we went to get some lunch at Arby's and i took her to the Family Dollar up the street from her and her daughter was there so she rode out with her and i came home.

i was tired, and i tried to nap, but it eludes me these days, to my dismay.  so i got up, worked on more editing of Felecia's book, and decided to start putting some time in on this song i've been playing with.  the tracks were lining up with some cut and paste, and i'm happy with the results so far.  Syd was out, saying she had to study for a midterm, and then that she had makeup work to do.  it didn't matter to me, i was tired and i wasn't cooking, so i didn't care if she was out or not.  i finished working on the song to the extent that i was going to and i went to bed.  fitfully going to sleep, but i got there.  i did hear Syd come in but let her think i was sleeping.  i woke early in the morning, something after one, and i played on Facebook for a few, and then went back to sleep.

it is nice to spend time with Rachel.  sometimes, with all her 'isms, i wonder if she is at times just making sure i am accessible to her, as a resource.  but i feel this is not fair to her.  it is residual.  she gives quite a bit, and she makes a point of us speaking daily.  i know what it is like to be down and out without any recourse but to suffer, and i'll be damned if i'll willingly let someone go through that.  its why i wrote Heather a letter yesterday and apologized for not being there the past two weeks.  i owe her nothing; i owe God everything.  its why i am trying to stay in touch more with my parents.  i owe them a lot, but i owe God even more, because he made them and me.  so i share a day with a woman i love, who loves me, and i know things are going to work out.  and that is by God's grace, of which there is no other grace, for it all belongs to God.  so, i'm starting my new day now, by God's grace, and i'll be sure to write later.

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