
Saturday, July 2, 2016

ups and downs

well, as the song says, what a difference a day makes...

today i spent by myself.  had plans to see Rachel, but they folded because i tried to put her in charge of the day.  that triggered some kind of anxiety attack, so she stayed away today.  i found that out about three in the afternoon.  so i'm feeling sort of simmering, sort of angry/sad, to be honest.  it's not a bad day, but it's not the best day either.  i think the worst part is, the reason is truly lost on me.

i think that's part of the thing with male/female relations in the new millennium.  people are forgetting how to communicate emotions.  so when someone, self included, encounters a scenario that triggers something in them, it's not really fight or flight anymore, it's mostly just fight.

i'm laying in my bed nodding. i'm grateful for the day, but not feeling it at this moment.  tomorrow, maybe

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