
Monday, December 25, 2017

the Adult Conspiracy (concept by Piers Anthony)

the human animal is such an amazing paradox, and yet there doesn't seem to be much to understand.  the truth is no longer a prerequisite to human experience, so much as the convenience of the acceptability of the story told, regardless of how monstrous the lie.  we regularly and routinely accept things as true on the basis of nothing more than the fact that changing over to the fact-based information would be too societelly disruptive.  and we adhere to lies and outright falsifications as if they were life-preservers, rather than the torpedoes that are sinking the society of men as we know it.  it's an amazing thing to witness at any given time, but never more so than at christmas. 

December 25 has been shown to have its origins in Pagan practices and Roman mythology.  it has no bearing on anything scriptural.  all of the symbolism given to it have far more in common with Saturnalia than with the birth of the Christ child in the gospels of the New Testament.  but this is a day that is said to be about the birth of Jesus.  not one historian gives credence to this.  not one historian has ever said, "yeah, it coulda been."  but it goes unabated that this is the day Christ was born.  songs are sung about it.  movies are made about it.  books are written about it.  children's minds are indoctrinated toward it from birth.  and it is a lie.  the Adult Conspiracy at its finest.  

beating a dead horse, i know.  but think about all the other lies that have such unyielding traction in the human, or American, psyche.  because america has a special gift for lying to its citizens, though the entire world partakes of this Conspiracy as well.   

as in the picture above, the creation of human life by humans is often a source of discomfort for parents who were raised in shame-based ways concerning their sexuality.  so the stork, the melon patch, the cabbage leaf, any number of lies, spun before the believing minds of children to explain where little sister or brother came from, and the change in mother's physiology during her pregnancy.  allegiance to the flag is seen as 'patriotic', is practiced as nationalism and separatism and is, in fact, simple idolatry, which is forbidden in the same scriptures that hypocrites use to pretend today is Jesus' birthday.  the world has enough resources, in a non-materially addictive mindset, for every man, woman and child to have clean water, land to live on, food to eat and space to exist.  yet because of the greed and power madness of humans, there are pretend shortages of all resources.  but no one questions these things because, like pregnancy, we are given images, songs, stories, commercials and outright lies that condition our minds into believing things just have to be this way.  we are no longer capable of living without the comforts and ease provided by an industrialized reality, which continues the cycle of haves and have-nots ad infinitum.  in fact, even on a lower level, the lies are monstrous and continuous.  a government that would bomb its own ships in order to rouse anger enough to enter into the 2nd world war is now incapable of flying planes into its own real estate to justify a war with a foreign country.  a government that could engender a coup against its sitting president and blow his head off and kill the manufactured suspect on national television is now incapable of collusion with foreign agencies to bring a patsy to the presidency of a country that is already co-opted and purchased to its 'fruited plains'.  an 'opiod' epidemic that is supposedly killing hundreds of citizens is not seen to be the creation of the pharmaceutical industry (government, big business), likely to stimulate the use of actual opiates (heroin) and generate profits to a government that has ALWAYS had its hands in the global drug trade (Vietnam and the heroin highway).  

we know things, we know much more than our actions say we do, yet we pretend we don't, to allow life to continue, to allow things to go as they always 'not rock the boat'.  and for our troubles, we are compromised, we are slaughtered, we are insane.  

i am up today, i will finish cooking.  i will wonder if i have enough money to get through the next 9 days, and of course the answer is 'no, but i'll make it through'.  i didn't have to do any of this, and in truth, the dinner part cost me close to nothing, but why today?  isn't it because i, also, subscribe to this lie, this bullshit, even if i don't do so blindly?  and isn't that, in it's own way, worse?  when you can see the lie, and you trot along anyway, even if its at a distance so as to seem as if you're not going along, you are a bigger liar for it.  i do believe that.  because if the one who knows the truth doesn't act against the lie, then how will the ones who don't know the truth ever see any contrast?  

i have no tree, i have no decorations, but my electric bill is higher anyway.  i bought no presents but i am broke to a greater degree than i was last month.  but i was never addicted to lights and presents; i was always addicted to food.  and there you go.  

change is coming.  i am going to stick to that truth.  but it is necessary to be honest with myself, if i intend to do differently.  

an actual update on the day later.  

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