
Friday, December 15, 2017

...sleep please...

...this is so symbolic to me right about now.

i am exhausted.  i had nothing but a fitful night, moments of drowsing between the hurting, and finally surrendering to not sleeping at all, for the most part.  my brother and i had to go pick up food baskets from the union hall my dad belongs to, so there was no point after a bit of thinking sleep was going to happen.  around 430, i got it started, didn't shower or shave, just muddled about, trying to get my head in some kind of shape for moving.

i got going about six-thirty, got gas which i've driven out today, got my brother and we got our stuff.  i dropped him at his apartment, went to my parent's house for a bit, then got some breakfast from the Bell and went to counseling.  i left there and went to Sav-a-Lot and Aldi's, and back to my parents for a bit, as my mom was upset i didn't stay longer earlier.  i still didn't stay long, tried to tell her i just wasn't in the best mental space from the lack of sleep. i came home, unloaded my car, put groceries away, laid down for a little bit listening to Coltrane and trying to sleep, then i decided to hit the last stores on my list.  i went to Sav-a-lot on this side of town for hot dogs and buns, went to the meat market and to Dollar General.  it was a spending of money that i don't really have, but spending on things that i'm going to need, food-wise.  one thing about so-called holiday cooking; i believe in the power of long-term leftovers.

i had lunch, washed a load of clothes and my coat and vest, watched a pretty brilliant animated movie and made my dinner.  i'd already separated the few meats i'd gotten, put what i wanted in the freezer and the rest in the fridge.  i am now not hurting too much, another dose of Tylenol arthritis, a bit stronger, i suppose.  i'm going to try to sleep, i will clean tomorrow, get my ass moving.  i'm blessed.  i have everything i need, and some of what i want, to be honest.  i miss Rachel, but life has a way of going on.  thank you, Father. 

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