
Saturday, December 9, 2017

...Change Gonna Come...

apologies concerning yesterday.  I was very much on point with my plan, all the way through it seems.  i didn't get to writing because i was in some pain finishing the day, which was not a surprise.  thing is, i'm still in pain today, but i don't feel it was a waste of time.

i'll start with an update.  i went to the ER after counseling yesterday.  it was concerning this pain in my lower left back/left side that's been bugging me for the past week.  i'd gone to my doctor's office Wednesday, but they didn't know what it was.  i've been taking the Cipro on the chance that it could be an infection, but it hasn't cleared up anything at this point.  although, at the emergency room they didn't find any kind of infection in my urine or bloodwork, but that could or could not be because of the antibiotic.  regardless, i went to the ER as i said i would.  i wasn't there terribly long, and i'd gathered my things in case i would have to stay, on the chance that it could be a pancreatitis or a gall bladder issue, or any number of things, gall stones, kidney stones, etc.  instead, they said, they THOUGHT, it could have been because i've been exercise/dancing lately and may be straining muscles.  like, really?  i'm not doing Tae-Bo.  I am not doing Insanity or Crossfit or any of the other suicidal missions to get ripped and fight off death.  i am dancing for fifteen, twenty minutes a set.  i am moving my body.  i guess, after months of resumed inactivity, it is possible that the strain has me in continuous pain, but i am dubious. still, i refused the heavy duty pain meds, concluding that if this is just muscle pain, i will deal with it and continue on. 

that was yesterday.  the pain woke me again at 2am.  i was up for a couple hours, and then laid on my back after taking 2 Tylenol and got a couple more hours of sleep.  i was up and moving after that, prayers and readings and meds and breakfast.  i didn't have any huge plans, but i wanted to get some recording done, some writing.  i did get a chapter finished, but the pain continued on despite more Tylenol.  i decided after a point i was going to venture out, so i got the chicken-spinach alfredo together and went to my parent's house.  i gave them the food so they'd have something for dinner, and i got some things my aunt gathered from her work visit to the food pantry.  i then went to the stores, got some needed supplies and a few wanted things, and i went to Lonnie's house to see his grandson.  i ate some lunch over there, stopped at one more store then came back home.  i've not done much since being home, and i'm okay with that, as the pain has dulled but not departed.  my plan now is to record some background, write a bit more, watch some television, try a different medicine combination and try to get some sleep.  i'm getting over this flu/cold finally, and i'm not planning on doing any nighttime flu meds tonight.  i'm just going to keep moving in the direction i'm heading in, and if it's not abated by Monday, i'm going to call my family doctor and see if i can get something further referred out, because i'm not comfortable with an unknown pain gnawing at my guts.  anyway, it was a good day anyway,and that's the best kind of thing, when a day could suck but it still turns out to be productive and satisfying.  i had a sandwich for dinner, drank a cup of hot chocolate, i'm probably going to skip the dancing i'm trying hard to do tonight and just get it in in the morning.  i thank my Father for this day, and i am convinced things are starting to get better.  my dreams are not remembered, but they are eventful and thought-evoking.  i feel the winds starting to shift, even if it's just in my dreams, but i can still feel the breeze on my face when i awaken.  not bad, eh?

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