
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

run on day

i guess today was sort of a continuation of the previous one.  i didn't do a lot of new things, but i got some things done, and had some other problems that have to be worked out.  life goes on, right?  i am grateful for having the breath in me and the life in me to encounter those things and to write about some of them later, cause everyone can't.

i got up just about 6, seems, and i said my prayer.  i went in the kitchen and got it going.  i made coffee and did my readings and lit incense and drank a cup of mud and one cup of water.  i made myself some bacon and eggs and had them with my leftover rice from last night.  i went upstairs after that, put in an application, cleaned out an email box, got clothes put away from sunday and took it a little easy for a bit after that.  i didn't have a meeting today, as they're reportedly retiling the floor at the Fellowship Hall, so i was going to do lunch with Lonnie and had until about 1pm to kill.  i talked to Chris (text), and i took a shower and got my head and face shaved.  i got rid of some game apps on FB as it's time for me to start thinking more about my art and my work than my playtime.  finally it was time to go so i left out. 

that was one of the first things i discovered; my heat wasn't kicking on at all.  i think it did the same thing last time i was in it, but it was colder today, and it was bothersome.  i picked up Lonnie and we had Mexican for lunch.  i took him back, went to UPS again and dropped off the headphone set and the tokens Amazon sent me to do the job they'd hired me to do.  i had stopped at my parent's house before that but didn't stay because my windows were fogging over quickly and with no heat, no defroster.  i called my mom and let her know i couldn't come by and asked her to have my dad call me. 

i got home and jumped back into my shorts and tee shirt.  i tried to work on some music, but a call to the gas company to find out about a new bill that just arrived in my email today despite paying a bill laft friday.  i got it explained as best they could, and then i couldn't focus on the music anymore.  i came back downstairs and rested and just messed around on the computer.  things got done as the got done, i guess i'd have to say. 

it's seven-thirty now.  i've had a light supper.  i'm passing on dessert tonight.  i'm going to shut it down soon.  i have to go north again in the morning, see about a mechanic.  i need someone who works cheap and is close, though it should be warmer and i guess i should be able to see out my windows.  i'm tired, though.  a good tired.  i did some things, and should God bless my eyes to open tomorrow, i'll do some more things.  i am grateful, i've been blessed today.  and i say thank you to my Father, for seeing to my needs as He always has.  run on

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