
Sunday, November 5, 2017

Dinner With Friends

today was one of those strange days.  so many turns to it, so many different elements, it's just easier to sum it up as strange rather than try to figure out what made it so.  but the devil, as they say, is in the details, and so, the journey commences. 

i am still off as the residual of the daylights saving nonsense.  but having taken the gabapentin to try to dispel this pain in my foot that has gone nowhere, i slept deeper than usual.  not longer; that would have been nice.  but i woke, early and groggy, spending a lot of time on the side of the bed, hurting.  but i said my prayer, with some nodding, and i got coffee started, and that was the big part of the morning.  i read my books and took my meds and i had a breakfast sandwich and started some greens as i was planning a sunday dinner for myself.  i went to the office and put in a couple apps and did some music and got my composition almost ready for vocals, and i came back downstairs after a while and got dressed for the meeting.  it was said to be a warm day today, but i didn't let that fool me into dressing for spring. 

i sat at my kitchen table and wrote out a long hand printed letter to the club where we have our meeting.  the gist of it is this:  we've been there for over a decade now (time flies, don't it?) and we've paid out 75% of our donations for rent, as per our agreement.  it's steep, but when you don't get many people, it's helpful.  we've had space provided for our books, as we are a book study 12 step meeting, and once our books were stolen from an unsecured location, we were provided a locker for our things.  this arrangement, with little variation, has lasted for quite some time.  recently, however, we've been moved out of our locker, we've received no receipts for our payments of rents in months, and we're feeling, by and large, pretty unwelcome.  the officers of the meeting have been silently bickering about the right path to take on this issue, so i said i'd step in and get things started.  i texted the club secretary earlier this week, asking if something was going to be done in any measurable time period, to be told it was unknown when we'd be provided with more space.  so, i wrote out my letter.  it wasn't anything confrontational or demanding, but it was asking for someone to contact us about our concerns, so we can decide on a course of action beneficial to our membership.  responsible.

well, our treasurer was in a foul mood today and went off on the secretary for a spilled cup of coffee and left the meeting.  but one monkey never stops the show; the meeting went on, and we got the letter signed, sealed and delivered with our current rent payment.  all we can do. 

i talked to my friend TP today, but she was on her way to work.  i talked to my mother, she sounded better than she'd been lately. i think the concert did her some good.  i told her i'd be by tomorrow, and i will.  i talked to Lonnie finally, and he invited me by for dinner.  though i've been in pain today, i accepted, because i wanted some interaction with other humans.  it was a nice evening, and the food was good.  i stayed several hours and i came home just recently.  i feel okay, think i'm going to go upstairs and start working on these vocals.  i have no complaints except a bit of a headache.  felt very stuffy earlier, so it may be a cold trying to come back on me.  don't really know.  i catch a lot of hell internally lately.  but if you have a day where you get done what you need to get done and get to spend the end of it with friends, it ain't a bad deal in my opinion. 

thank you, Jehovah, for friendship and love. 

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