
Thursday, October 26, 2017

very tired

i don't know what the picture selection indicates.  i'm tired, i know that much.  i was up way too early and i've done quite a bit of running today.  i need some sleep, which is why i'm getting this in early, so i don't fall asleep and forget.  but scant chance of that, really.  i am not one to just do the daytime nod thing anymore, though i loved those naps like they were all my children.  no, i will find bullshit to do until at some point i put on a binaural beats video and slip from consciousness, to awaken to a new repetition.  that's the overwhelming consensuses, anyway.

so, i did the thing with Syd, and i spent some time with her which was cool.  we talked and she bought me lunch, which is always my favorite thing for someone to do.  and she has an apartment with Joe, and she says things are going okay, and i won't ask or argue. 

i did get up and pray and read my stuff and take my medicines and i did have coffee and water, so i started the day on point.  i also had done my assessments yesterday for this tech support position, and i got my speed test sent off, so that was all done.  i really had nothing else scheduled for today.

after i dropped Syd back at home i went to my parent's house.  my dad was gone as usual, but my mom was there and we talked and watched some Law and Order Criminal Intent, and then i left, because i am sleepy as fuck.  i came home because i'd gotten another email concerning the possibility of scheduling an interview with the company from yesterday, but they were asking for another speed test, which i've just finished and emailed off.  now, i'm ready to wrap the day up, even as early as it is.

i can say i talked to my friend Felecia early this morning, and she is still askingme to edit her book, and i'm still trying to work my way into getting paid more, for my troubles, which i feel is legit at this point.  i can say that i need to put in some more applications, but i'm going to wait til tomorrow, because i've got enough energy for exactly one more thing sitting here right now, and then i'm done for the day.

and i can say i'm thankful to Jehovah, for time with Syd, for time with my mother, and for breath.  i can say that unequivocally. and i can say that if this is not sufficient, then it just will have to be, because i'm done.   

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