
Monday, October 30, 2017

getting into the day slowly...

man, it rains and it pours, that is the truth.  it doesn't matter, because you have to deal with life, but it definitely affects how you go through the day most often.  this is just getting old, i know.  but still, from one pain to the next, from one crisis to the next, from one situation to the next.  that is the nature of this journey.  and in the end, you just make do as best you can, right?

as per usual (you can set your watch to this, almost), my back is okay today, but my left knee is acting up.  it feels swollen, feels painful and doesn't want to bend.  that was going to sleep, and it was waking up.  so i prayed, first thing, so i could have my gratitude in place for my back pain relief, and then i slowly started working on this stuff. 

i took my meds and my insulin, and i took my last prednisone (anti-inflammatory steroid), two colcrys (gout med for flare-ups) and half a prescription strength pain pill, definitely not OTC.  i drank some coffee and some water and i laid back down, and have been there most of the morning.  i've been flexing my knee, gauging the relief, and there is some finally, so i took the other half of the pain pill and i started moving around.  probably not the smart option, but i have shit to do.  so i am upstairs in my office now.  i'm going to try to do some bathroom stuff, i'm going to get some clean clothes and i'm going to go to the store, as i need some supplies.  i've not eaten today, i'm hungry but i don't want to spend more time on my leg than need be.  plus, i'm running out of supplies, so i need stuff.  i've got to plan out my dinner so i can not go spend-crazy at the store.  and i'm washing and drying an overdue load of clothes so i can have that out of the way.  didn't do my cleaning this weekend, but being that it's just me, i'm thinking i can forgive myself the poor upkeep,since it's not that bad anyway. 

but i have to bear in mind, it can be worse, likely it will be worse one day soon.  as the saying goes, 'i lamented the fact i had no shoes, until i met the man who had no feet'.  i'm in pain, but i'm moving.  i hurt, but i'll drive where i need to go.  i'll get done what i have to and i'll shut it down again.  that's the nature of this life. 

i am blessed and grateful to Jehovah today, for the healing that happens in His time, on His schedule. 

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