
Saturday, October 7, 2017


i once had a life, or rather, life had me...

a Funkadelic song, 'Can You Get To That?', one of my favorites.  there's a line in it i particularly like, that says: 'when you base your love on credit, and your loving days are done, checks you signed with the love and kisses later come back signed 'insufficient funds', can y'all get to that?'

i love that. clever writing.  poignant, at the moment.  yes.

so today i've been working on my home.  on the house, yes, but on my home as well.  this is not a fake missive, no growing just to shrink.  i feel like i did yesterday, but i'm working to force activity, because inertial will kill me dead as hell.  so i got up and prayed and i had breakfast after meds, though i can't remember if i read my scripture and meditation today.  but i got moving, got clothes washed and the couch cleaned and the rug cleaned and sheets and curtains from my bedroom washed and dried and put back on and up.  i made a sandwich and soup for lunch and had a burger and the last of my soup for dinner.  peach pie and ice cream for dessert.  i'm going to go to sleep soon because my back is hurting some and i'm tired, didn't nap today.  but i feel good.  tomorrow i have to get the living room uncluttered, have to clean my bathroom upstairs and downstairs and sweep and mop the kitchen floor.  i am going to go to the meeting, because i told Marc i would.  and i'm going to see my parents.  full day.

i'm glad i got some stuff done, and i'm grateful.  the rug will feel better.  my sheets are clean.  i like order, and i like working on my space.  i only wish...but that's dumb.  i have to appreciate what i've got, or nothing will be added to me.  and i am grateful.  thank you, Father, for i know of my own accord i would have stayed in bed all day today.

we'll see what tomorrow brings.  i'm done for now.

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