
Saturday, October 28, 2017

mo' pains

it's Saturday.  i'm hurting, again.  it's been coming on for the past few days, but i've been trying to ignore it.  last time, they told me it was arthritis in my lower back, not a UTI.  i can dig it, but why does a flare up of arthritis come with heavy urination and an ache in my legs?  next will come the gout/neuropathy, probably.  but i'm trying to stay proactive right now.  last night, i passed on an outing with Lonnie and his wife to see Young Frankenstein, as i really just wasn't feeling the being upright thing for extended periods.  and if this is truly just an aggravated back situation, that has to be how i aggravated it in the first place, by all the time i've spent in uncomfortable sitting situations, trying to help Syd with her current thing, helping my parents with dinner and putting away groceries, and what have you.  but it's manageable at the moment.  just burned my last Vicodan, been saving it and figured now's as good a time as any.  my dad is bringing me cranberry juice, and i've been taking Tylenol as well.  i can move better than last time, and i had breakfast an a cup of coffee today.  so, relatively speaking, it's not as bad.  but it's still enough to give me pause.

i didn't read my stuff today yet, but i did pray.  i also got my meds taken.  i have a load of clothes to wash, that i'd like to get done, but i'm not going to kill myself for one load.  i've got soup in the fridge (foresight, thank you Father) and i've got a can of soup in reserve.  i am going to nap shortly and try to get myself some dinner cooked.  the day is slow, cold and ugly, but it is a day, and i am alive and sober and therein lies my gratitude.

i had my first interview with Conduent on Friday, and it seemed to go well. they didn't ask a bunch of stupid questions and they kept it brief, and i appreciate that.  if i am offered the position, i'm going to take it.  i asked for prayers and good vibes, and i got them, i feel.  i just want to make sure i'm up to snuff to do this work.  either way it goes, something's coming, and i am blessed just with the knowledge of that.

wanted to get this in, don't intend to miss another day.  i am grateful to my Father, Jehovah, for giving me what i need to be okay today.  as today is all we have, i am okay, period.  and that's that for now.

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