
Saturday, May 20, 2017

not much today...

some realizations, some concerns, but nothing much to add to yesterday's entries.  i'm ready to get back on the phones, but i'm taking my time.  tomorrow i take Syd to get her dress and things for graduation.  today i got up with prayer and meditation books, and i got breakfast fixed for my parents and my dwelling space straight a bit.  did a load of clothes.  tomorrow i'm going to work on some order to the basement, get my workspace a bit more efficient, see if there's any real feng shui to be had in the things i can find.

the concern that i have today is serious though.  i took my meds and insulin early, but realized later in the day that i'd forgotten my steroid.  the realization came when i felt the pain returning to my foot.  i took it early enough after realizing it, but it made me question whether any of this is really gout relief, or is it just symptom masking?  and if the latter, what happens when i don't have the prednisone?  i don't want to become dependent upon something either.  on the other hand, i'm almost 50 years old.  safe bet, i'm going to be dependent on something or other before too much longer anyway.  hell, i'm already dependent on insulin, aren't i?

i made dinner that will go for  tomorrow.  i am not going to my meeting, as i'm taking Syd in the early afternoon or late morning-ish.  i feel a lot better, i need some socks, some shaving gel and some attention that probably is not going to come for a while.  so no point crying about what i don't have.  what i've got is a roof, a window, a breeze and a day coming to an end  i've got food in my belly and clothes on my ass.  i've got some change in the bank and in my pocket.  my parents and my children seem to be okay.  if its supposed to be better than this, i don't need to know.  thank you, Jehovah, for a pretty cool day.

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