
Sunday, May 7, 2017

day before

at the right angle, a mess can look like a masterpiece.  and it's not a misdirection.  it's just the reality that some things need the right light to look their best.  and some things, in the proper lighting, are absolutely horrid.  and that's reality.  no shit.

today was a casual exhausted day.  i woke seems like about 4 times before i got out of the bed.  considering the day was 13 hours long on the computer (minus 2 hours for lunches), i still managed to be productive after the shift was over.  but i wanted to sleep in.  my brain needed it.  and it didn't get it.  

very little real point crying over spilled milk.  i got up, cramps, said prayers, read books, got downstairs, made coffee for myself and my mother, made my mom and dad breakfast and i got my ass moving out the door.  went to Niles, had to get things for tomorrow.  if i could find them.

Big lots netted little.  seasonings, olive oil.  but nothing substantial.  i knew what i was going to cook.  i just didn't have an idea for a gift.  still don't, perfectly honest.  i had breakfast from BK and went to Big Lots.  then i talked to Lonnie, waiting for Ollie's to open.  got the draperies i needed there, and kept it moving.  

i got back over my way after speaking to Rachel.  i did my grocery shopping, forgot to put heavy cream on my list.  no biggie, got to roll out tomorrow anyway.  got the stuff i could get, went and picked up Harry and went to the Big Book meeting at one.  only six of us eventually there.  ate way too much crap today, can't lie.  

i got home, ate some chicken and salad, started working on cleaning the above pictured area and prepping my food slowly.  talked to Lonnie, talked to Rachel.  talked to Syd, who has put Joe out.  now i have to be extra vigilant, make sure no stupidity goes down.  talked to DeJa eventually.  

so far, i have my dessert ready, a no-bake peanut butter pie type dish.  i have my soup ready, a potato/carrot/cheddar cream soup.  gonna have to thin it out some.  got my sauce ready and my pasta cooked for the lasagna.  and i figure the asparagus green bean salad should be quick and easy.  

i have to say, this journey is interesting.  synchronicity is running strong these days.  i had posted a picture of the house i was married in recently, then my father saw her at a recovery function, then i see her at the grocery store today.  my ex-wife, that is.  saw a brother who bailed on the meetings, feeling we weren't politically active enough for his tastes.  we are not politically active at all.  comes with the territory of the traditions.  i still feel like i'm really off dying somewhere, and i'm just watching the reels of my life.  even if that was the case, i have nothing thus far to be remorseful about.  i have been blessed, and i can't fuss because time is running low.  it runs low on all of us eventually.  thank you, Jehovah, for your love.

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