
Saturday, May 27, 2017

...and then, it changes...

no getting around the strangeness of the human organism.  one of the reasons you have to find something bigger than yourself, because none of this shit makes sense two days in a row.  what is an explosion on monday is probably just a rip in an old pair of pants by tuesday night.  and if you're not tied into something bigger than yourself, you get lost in details that are governed by planned obsolescence.  that's my experience, anyway.

i'll be starting work soon.  not enough sleep again, but this time, who really cares?  i am taking calls, the day will pass, i will learn some things and make some mistakes and then it's the weekend.  i got up and prayed on my knees.  i read my meditation books.  i went to get stuff for monday from the store and i went to breakfast with Syd.  i talked to Rachel, she's been super busy.  i heard from DeJa, he got home safe.  i planned my menu for monday.  my mom slept the night through with her c-pap.  i have nothing worth complaining about today.  yet, it's not much different of a day than yesterday.  perspective is an incredible thing.

my foot hurts, but i can't do anything about that right now.  i have a stack of small rugs on the floor under my desk, keeps the cold of the basement floor from seeping into my foot.  i don't know why the rugs help, but they do.

i am grateful to have a job to begin in an hour.  i'm grateful that i could have a breakfast with Syd.  i'm grateful that my mom seems more focused today.  likely just wishful thinking, but i'm grateful to think wishfully.  thank you, Father.

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