
Sunday, May 29, 2016

sunday prep

well, i put my first request for participants in the WAITING FOR JESUS radio drama on my FB pages today.  got some likes, not many shares, but it's where i'm starting from.  R and i are going to at least start working on this as a joint project, calling our thing Auxiliary Brain Productions.  and it's going to happen, but if i don't give a public chance first, then i'll have to deal with all the criticisms about the participants not being 'professional' later.  so it's still along the lines of that little red hen's grain of wheat deal, but i'm trying to be above that thinking these days.  accurate though it may be, it accomplishes little.

the binaural rhythmic tracks on youtube are really amazing.  my sleep is deep, i wake ready for the day though it is like coming from a deep cave.  i'm not complaining though.  i stayed in, only going to the store for some supplies.  i didn't go to my meeting, didn't go to the hall.  i have to start getting back to the Kingdom Hall.  i can't renege on that.  i owe my Creator, and i am not going back on my word again.

i got up and said prayers.  i worked on memorizing the interview, got two pages pretty much down.  i had breakfast and lunch, and am still bummed about the oven not working.  my landlord seems to want to charge me for fixing or replacing his oven.  i'm going to end up moving sooner than i thought.  i refuse to continue to deal with this kind of nonsense.

i had taco salad for dinner.  i watched a bit of some movies.  i talked to R, but it was a fairly subdued conversation.  i didn't invite her for tomorrow because i didn't want to have her girls here if Syd wasn't here and i didn't want to keep static between her and her mom.  but i'm going to let her know that she is welcome if she wants to come, and we'll make do, as we always do.

i'm sort of concerned.  we did have some intimacy.  and i have a twinge in my back.  i'm still taking the anti-biotics.  if this turns out to be the same thing, i'm going to have to find a more secure foundation to stand on, because she's going to freak the fuck out.  so, i'm praying its not that.  we'll see in the a.m.

anyway, i don't have much today.  i'm going to crash soon.  i thank God for a slow and peaceful day.  out.

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