
Friday, May 13, 2016

slow motion better than no motion

not a bad day.  i'm logging events late because i've been doing stuff today, but that's not really a problem.  i just have to make sure i do details correctly when i wait til the end of the day.  back on track for the way it should be done.

meals today (monday starts the caloric count again)

sausage patty, egg, two pieces of toast

hamburger patties w cheese, salad

chicken parm (1), pasta with mushrooms & tomatoes and spinach sauteed with bacon, mushrooms and onions.

piece of cake.

did weight machines today, not as long as usual as my feet were still hurting from yesterday's walk around the city block.

i woke on time, turned off alarm before it rang and said my prayers.  i got up slowly but got dressed to go to the gym because i wasn't feeling motivated to do so.  went to the gym late and did some machines.  tried to figure a different elliptical but it was not going well for the rhythm of the stroke, as Parliament would say, so i left it alone for now.  i got home, saw Syd out the door, had breakfast, took meds and insulin, went to counseling.  VF gave me a bag of coffee for my birthday and because i ran out of coffee last month.  i am going to brew a pot first thing Saturday morning.

i got a call from TCTC while in counseling that Syd was not feeling well.  i had her friend go pick her up.  i got home and began making soup for her.  it was a chicken soup with big noodles, shredded carrots, celery, onion, a touch of cayenne and some Italian seasonings.  seemed to do the trick.  her fever came down, which was likely due more to the Tylenol than the soup, but one likes to think their soup has the power to banish sickness.  then i cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and swept and mopped those floors.  i went to do my shadowing at the Warmline, but no calls came in between 4 and 5 so i left with no more experience than i'd had when i got there.  i went to the store, got stuff for my chicken parm and went home.  R came by this evening and we worked on the interview for the commercial.  we talked and spent some time and it was nice.  i am about to go to bed, having taken my night meds.  i'm going to finish my cleaning early and try not to do a whole lot for the rest of the day.

i guess my thing today is realizing that there's a lot that i do right, though at times it doesn't seem like it.  and people respond to that right, and that makes life worth waking up to.  VF's coffee, Syd actually doing what i asked her to before she left again this afternoon, R coming by to work on the interview, it makes a difference.  small things that make big things and make the big things that seem like problem not so bad after all.  i wrote an email to Felecia, telling her that keeping me out of the loop is indicative of her maybe not being happy with the way things progressed between us on the project, but her needing to say something if that is the case.  if it needs correction, let me know. if not, then please honor the agreement.  i'm not going to beg for what i worked for.  but i'm also not prepared to start creating more people that i consider to be border enemies just because their character isn't up to par.  if you know someone is not in their right mind, you have to take that into consideration before you decide to treat them like a sane and balanced person.  it will save you some future heartbreak and anger.

i am grateful for a good day, and i thank God for the provisions.  all is right on time.  good night.

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