
Sunday, May 22, 2016

growing hair

so this has been a day.

i woke up feeling some out of sorts.  not to the major degree that i have on some of my recent bad days, but just stiff and sluggish.  so i didn't move fast.  i prayed sitting on the edge of my bed and i slowly got my ass in gear.

i went to the living room, put on fresh mud, made a cup with some cold water as a chaser, took meds and insulin and went to work on my damaged track from yesterday.  i got most of it put back together when the door has a knock and it's Jo, Syd's friend.  at 8 on a sunday goddamn morning.

so i questioned him as to his reasons, and he told me Syd told him to be at my house at that time.  now, Syd's supposed to be sick.  so i get in his ass a bit as i got in Syd's in a major way night before.  then i made myself an egg sandwich and got back to work.  i came in my room soon, as i was still draggy and more than a bit irritable.

i had a clear plan for the day.  meeting, Walmart, parent's house.  wash clothes, hook up laptop for mom, visit, come home.  that was the plan.

i went to the meeting annoyed again by Melona, the irritable girl from a couple months ago.  but i got through the meeting.  then i went to my parent's house, got my dad's upstairs tv's working correctly, hooked up my mom's laptop and washed a load of clothes.  i had enough time to dry them but i didn't.  i had 2 slices of cheese pizza at the meeting and a sandwich at my parent's house.  i took them some chicken and western ribs and i guess they ate that with dinner. i washed my clothes and brought them home to dry  i did not go to walmart today.  the meeting and the irritability wore on me a bit.

i got home, ran back out to grab some chicken for my dinner.  i talked to R for quite some time, and then i worked on the laptop i got from my mom.  then i went to bed.  that's the overview.


Syd is really getting on my nerves with this need to be grafted to this person's hip.  you hope things are going to work out okay, and when a part of you just sees clouds on the horizon, you feel bad but you pray for the best and you keep it to yourself.  but you never forget the clouds are there and growing closer, and you try to prepare your child but you know there's no such thing.  there are 60+ year olds who haven't learned this shit yet.

Melona is a deliberate distraction in the meeting and i am feeling the need more and more to address this personally.  i am hoping that she finds what she's looking for soon.

more tomorrow.  my eyes are seeking closure for the night.  Thank you, Jehovah.

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