
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

getting it in

well, it's underway.  i'm getting ready for summer production.  i'm still at home today, but it's been a good day and i don't anticipate much changing.  if i can get my brother here for these shots i need to take, it will be that much better.

it started rough today.  i felt drained waking up, and i really didn't sleep all that well.  but i got up to let Jo in and talked to him about his believing he had some affect on things between me and Syd.  i hope he got the point.  he's a nice kid, but someone broke him rather early and i'm just not of the patience to do much people repair these days.  anyway,  after Syd left for school i got it in gear. took meds, took insulin, ate breakfast, a leftover burger with an egg and cheese on top.  pretty yummy. i then got to work redoing the Janice's Journal spot.  it needs to be done.  i called and cancelled my insurance on the Cavalier, and i tried to get child support to find out why there's been no deposit on the card, but haven't been able to reach anyone yet.  i took a bath, i've talked to R several times today, my brother called and said he'd be around this afternoon and i filled the bike tires on R's bike.  if they stay inflated i'll have it taken to her this evening.

i feel okay, a twinge in my knee so i'm going to take some colcrys and drink some cherry juice.  gonna go to TB and get burritos for lunch. going to try to finish a couple of things as far as my to-do list.  got nothing else til tomorrow afternoon so i'm just trying to stay busy.  i'm going to add to this later, but for now, i hope i can get the filming done that i need to get done, because the editing is going to be time consuming, but it's going to be the lesson to learn and it's going to make the difference.  more later, likely.

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