
Saturday, May 21, 2016

over halfway there...

...the funny thing is, i missed logging yesterday.  and that was the day VF commended me for sticking to logging daily.  accentuates the humanness i will never shake until i stop breathing.  but it is kind of funny.

i feel good today, i guess yesterday wasn't very eventful but i'm still convalescing, and i end up exhausted by day's end.  but i'm going to get it in, cover yesterday and today, and get back to my thing.

yesterday, friday, i got up slow, still draggy after the thursday grass cutting and seeing my homie Bryan that evening, drinking coffee much later than i should have, but just using time and going back and forth, catching things that distance put into boxes that needed to be open.  i'm saying that my friend and i haven't seen each other in over two years, and before that it was over 20, so there was a lot of catching up to do and it ain't done yet.  it was a sad visit, as he is in apparently very poor health, and he is in a hard life situation.  but i was able to help him, few dollars that i really didn't have but that i made myself have, because i know God has me covered.  and we talked, and we drank coffee.  and i'm going to try to keep up with his health.  but that was thursday.
friday, said prayers, got up, had breakfast, a boiled egg, a piece of peanut butter toast if i recall correctly.  i went to the store early and got some things that i wanted to cook.  my body and mind were feeling pretty good, and i felt like doing some grilling.  got some western ribs, some chicken legs, some collards and kale, and stuff for a pretty fly mac and cheese.  got Syd some more Gator-ade and me some flavored water which is just pop with no artificial colors.  i can live with it.  in the afternoon, i did my prep and my early cooking and then i went to counseling at 3pm.  i was glad i got to see VF, but i was exhausted for some reason.  i know the uti and the bad antibiotic are still lurking, as i am not pushing out solids, but they ain't liquid spew anymore either so i'm on the right track.  i'd talked to R early, and i can see she's in weird space, so i go to my silent position when i feel her groping for a confrontation.
i grilled (side note:  the grill that i appropriated from the back of the apartments when the last neighbor moved out is a monster.  had to gut it so i could use it for charcoal instead of gas, but it was killing my chicken especially.  had to do an uber-vigilant thing to keep it from burning everything to cinders.  i love a grill that i have to figure out) and i took a bath.  decided to grow my hair in so i just shaped up my mustache and beard a bit and soaked briefly.  i ate after Syd, and that was the day.  cleaned some dishes, talked to R again, we worked on some harmony over the phone and then i crashed out.  was trying to get to the journaling, but sleep got me before i got to it.

i woke today about six thirty and lazed until 7 something.  said my prayers, got up, went in the kitchen and heated a cup of fresh coffee after turning the pot back on.  i put two eggs in to boil but one had a crack in the shell and i didn't feel like boiled eggs after seeing the leaked and soup-boiled egg white, so i made a two egg spinach, mushroom and cheddar omelet instead with a piece of toast.  i did some more work on the track for the Old Lazarus spot, and then i started cleaning my bedroom.  i am currently working on my living room, which i'm going to do a thorough cleaning and then do a neatening of the kitchen and bathroom, since i cleaned them thoroughly last week before the uti tried to murder me.  i am going to my mom's later, get some clothes washed, put pillowcases back on pillows and put clothes away and have some leftovers for dinner i reckon.

right now, i'm thankful.  and that's not a bad thing, and i have to remember to be thankful more often.  i got my gift card for Walmart from the Warmline training class and i got a schedule.  i'll be on for two days next month, but i have to believe those will be the days i'll need ten dollars the most.  i'm going to ask if it's possible to just get the gift card when my shift is done.  not that it's required, but i'm going to ask anyway.  my Amazon credit card came in, so i can start building there as well.  and i am waiting to see when the title to the Cavalier shows up.  the only downside is the Child Support card hasn't loaded yet, but i've been in touch with Chris and am convinced the issue with with CS.  so i'm going to call them tomorrow and find out what's going on,  and that's not an issue that's going to destroy our lives.  we have shelter, food, utilities.  i have gas in the car.  we've not been hungry or cold or had to wear dirty clothes.  and i've been creative and i just need to get back to the Kingdom Hall, which is on the agenda tomorrow.  i will not complain.  i will remain thankful and keep moving in a right direction, because what else is going to work better?  i do my part, and Jehovah does the impossible and the improbable.  i like that arrangement today.

wrapping the day.  had dinner, leftovers.  finished my living room.  worked on some more harmonies, using Benson's 'This Masquerade'as a template.  just practicing, getting better.  R came by, had a plate, worked on the interview piece, watched some movie.  i am angry with Syd because she disregarded my instructions to stay in this weekend, on account of her having been out of school half the week and having left early for three days consecutive with her attendance.  but those things are just details.  it was a good day, i did what i needed to except laundry, and i'm about to shut it down.  thank you, God, for a beautiful day.

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