
Thursday, December 31, 2015

this has been an interesting day.  i started at the gym, after prayer.  as i was on the treadmill i began to think about ending this year, and how i want to emerge from my exile.  i think of it that way, an exile.  exiled from the creative endeavors i used to enjoy, definitely exiled from social gatherings due to the allergic reaction i tend to have toward bullshit.  but i'm not supposed to go on alone.  and it makes it sort of impossible to move some aspects of my life forward.  to that end, i left the gym after 2 miles on the treadmill and went to visit TP to make things right.  i attempted to amend the situation.  i'm stressing that.  i did not apologize, because i did nothing wrong.  but i bridged what would continue to be a gap between us, because she's my friend and she's worth closing the distance.  i stayed and had coffee and came home.  i had breakfast with Syd, talked to R and went to the store for supplies with Syd.  TP invited me for dinner tonight, and as i had no other plans i made plans to go there.  i don't mind.  i do wish i'd been able to make plans with R, but i'm realizing now my life on hold has to end.  i want to get live again, not like i'm in my twenties but like i'm a social individual who enjoys conversation and meals shared.  no better time than the present.  perhaps i'll get to see R before she leaves for Florida, perhaps not.  that's sort of up to her.  but i am going to start being happy, and that doesn't come from anyone else, it comes from what i choose to do.  went to lunch with Lonnie and his son.  Italian Marketplace on 422 is a disappointment.  food was low end of average, at best.  now in bed, resting before i go to TP's for dinner.
the nomination campaign seems to have started strongly.  i don't know how it will sustain.  thinking on ways to get some community involvement.  people are used to doing things like this through online involvement.  i need to get shit done in real time and real life as well.  going to design some flyers to place at different social locations, recruit some help, get some of the factions in my life to work for me.  that's the only way i know to work it.  i feel positive about the whole thing to be honest.

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