
Saturday, December 5, 2015

the stars through the fog

this saturday started pretty rough.  i woke early early for some reason.  just didn't drift back off when two o'clock got me going.  i got my prayers in at the table as i checked my blood sugar.  made sure i took my meds as i didn't yesterday.  cold as shit.  24 this morning.  had breakfast, watched some cartoons and an episode of the Rifleman, and then i passed back out.  in and out of sleep for a bit. talked to P in Columbus, program friend, not about anything in particular.  cold is making it hard to move but just means i'm moving slow, not that i'm stopped.  finally, ten-thirty, got my ass up and dressed.  about to hit the store, some things needed, some things wanted for dinner.  preparing for R if she shows, prepared for her not to show.  serenity is hoping for the best but being able to accept the worst without being a bitch.  i feel sluggish but the brain is turning over variations of different scenarios in different situations, so i think i'm good.  later.

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