
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

funeral procession

a strange day.
but there's been quite a few of those lately, to be honest.
started off simple enough.  woke up, said my prayer, got my ass slowly ready for the gym.  i threw in a load of clothes because i needed a pair of pants for the funeral.  i ran a blazing hot bath because it would be cool enough for me when i got in from the gym.  i had a cup of coffee and some water and i hit the gym.  just walked a mile today, it was good enough to keep me getting back in motion.  then i came home.  i checked my blood sugar, on the high side, and i took my insulin and my meds.  i had a ham and tomato omelet for breakfast with toast.  i took my bath, shaved and lotioned and groomed and was looking fairly fly in dark jacket, black jeans, black shoes and a deep blue/black tie.  i made sure i had everything i needed and i left for my dad's house.  that's where things began.

first, there was no coherent plan for departure, but i'm used to that.  my ex-sister in law and her new husband pulled in behind me.  i greeted them cordially, went in to see how things were developing.  my mom was over at my aunt's house already, and my dad was still getting ready.  i called my brother to see when he was coming and he said he was waiting for his ex-wife (ex-sister in law) to pick him up, so i went to get him.  then my dad was ready, the older of my two sisters was there and ready, but there were too many people to fit into the dad car.  so brother, sister, ex and new husband drove in their suv while my dad and i drove in his car.  pleasant ride, pleasant talk, i knew he was sad but he doesn't let that stop him.  i guess if he did he'd never get anything done.
at my aunt's home my mom was there, and i greeted her and cousins and eventually we were heading to the church.  i'd been informed that my aunt was to be cremated so there'd be no gravesite visit, which was a blessing.  on the way out, i was asked by a woman i didn't know, a friend of my aunt's family, if i could give her a ride to the service.  i agreed, and the woman sort of latched herself on to me, in a very 'close' way.
i have done some funerals, and i imagine i'll do a lot more before it's all over.  my aunt's funeral was nice.  but i don't like funerals.  i think they are contrived, i think manufactured grieving is tacky and i think that they are far too long.  i guess, being that its supposed to be your last good bye, you shouldn't rush them, but it was the wait to get the service started, and then the preacher having to rail for an hour after all the tributes and things, that left me a bit hollowed out.  i left before my new stalker could get her hooks into me again, after telling my dad that we were going, and i took my brother home, went to kfc to get something to eat and made my way home.

i'm still sad.  i've seen my family, my grandmother, grandfather and aunt on my dad's side, all dead and gone now.  but i also have seen how it happens, and i know it's going to happen to one of we seven offspring of my mother and father soon enough.  the sad thing is, i don't know if my mom will even realize the blessing she's received.  she has all but one of her siblings, and my dad has no one left.  if it were me, as to an extent it is, i guess i'd either make peace or clarify my war so that no questions were left unasked or unanswered at the end of the road.  but either way, it's over, my aunt is cremated and she is not in pain anymore, and God requests the spirit back when the flesh is done and that is done now.  i'm going to bed soon.
oh, the kindle scout campaign has accepted my manuscript for Mechanical Jesus.  they're going to put it up for votes for publication for a month starting the last day of December.  i am VERY HAPPY about that, anyway.  thank you, Father, for the sunlight through the clouds.

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