
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

so, another day ends.  a sad day, a solemn day in ways i can't go heavily into, as i don't have many details, but another day regardless.  and i am starting the process of moving forward, and that is always a good thing.  but i have to move it along, as i have to get things done for work tomorrow.

i didn't log food at The Dining Room yesterday because my eating was all out of kilter.  road food, i guess.  i'm going to log it today, but i have to mention that.  it was a bit of an evasive maneuver, not for any good reason either.  but now i have had a better day, i'm home, i'm fed and about to update.

so the day started a bit early.  i don't know why i couldn't stay asleep.  i slept well but shorter than i needed to. still, i had planned to shower and shave this morning, so the early start helped. 

i got up and took meds, realizing that i had some meds still in the trunk from my trip.  i also have insulin to retrieve from my parent's fridge.  i had my shower and shave, had breakfast, got myself together and got to work.  it was a warm morning and a fairly hot day. 

the morning runs were silence, as DB, the driver on my vehicle (hitherto to be referred to as 'Boss') had a death in her family over the weekend.  she didn't talk to me about it, i heard her mention it to one of the client's mothers.  i gave her my condolences once the bus was empty, and i went to my parent's house. 

i talked to my mom about calling her doctor as she was still not feeling well, which she got an attitude about but she eventually did call.  i recertified one of my dad's licenses and he ordered a printer for their house which i helped him do online at Walmart.  then i went to get some lunch and went back to work.  the Boss and i got our bus cleaned out before we finished the runs, and then the day was done. 

after work i went to Walmart to get dinner stuff.  i came home, took my shower for tomorrow and got my dinner cooked.  i am now about to work on the 'Phone' video for the first time.  i have enough material to get it done, i should anyway.  and it's time, time to start thinking about what all this is for, time to remember what i am and what i really do.  nothing wrong with work, of course.  nothing wrong  with it at all.  but i have to get my books out and sold, and i have to remember that the goal is to help others find their way to a creativity foundation, especially young children who are constantly being taught that it's not cool to think and create and dream, but only cool to play sports or sling dope or be whorish.  time to get back to allowing people to access their Z, should they choose. 

i am blessed to be able to start.  i'm blessed with life today and i thank Jehovah for my life and my day. 

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