
Monday, February 19, 2018


nothing profound, but a processing of data is in order.  it's almost 8pm, i've been back in Youngstown since about 11am.  it was one hell of a ride home, and i'm glad to be back.  not like the last time, when i was immersed in misery fluid and needed to get it off me as quickly as i could.  this time, it's more like i'm ready to get back to my life, such as it is, and grateful that i have the opportunity to do so. 

so, this morning.  i woke up earlier than i should have, and couldn't get back to bed.  i prayed, decided i'd have some oatmeal and just drowse for a bit, in and out as it were.  i took meds, watched the Twilight Zone, slowly got my stuff packed up.  until the moment i left i was not prepared to leave mentally.  i thought about seeing if Vera was at work, but i didn't want to just go sit around the shop.  i hadn't heard from Keith, De'Ja was working and i had nowhere really to go.  so since i was at 161, the mouth of the city off the highway, i decided to hit the trail. 

i gathered everything, got my car loaded, turned in the key cards and went to breakfast at the Waffle House.  coffee was lukewarm, food was not great.  what i remember.  after that, i gassed up and got it rolling.  and that's where the fun started.

it was RAINING...lemme tellya.  it was a helluva rain, just coming down.  it wasn't like a storm rain, though there was some flash lightning.  it was more like a constant, heavy drizzle that immersed everything.  and the trucks passing just trebled the lack of visibility.  so i was terrified, as i hate driving in the rain, but i made better time than usual, because i was busy trying to get around all the spraying vehicles and trying to get wherever the weather would clear up.  that happened mostly around Akron, but it's still raining and still pretty sodden outside.

anyway, i made it home.  i went to my parent's house, talked to my mom, fixed her a breakfast sandwich and came home.  i have been here since just after noon, i'd say.  didn't do much coming home.  put some clothes and groceries away, had lunch, napped, boring shit.  but shit i was glad to be in my house to do. 

work tomorrow, i'm glad about that too.  and maybe i can go a bit more in depth at that point, but for now, i'm going to shut it down and get ready for the new day.  thank you, Father.  it has been a trip. 

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