
Saturday, February 10, 2018

Really Late or REALLY Early...

i intended to do so much more than i did last night, but i was tired.  it's early in the morning now, about 230, so i am getting my log done for Friday.  the photo is a natural ice formation in the foliage by my parent's side door.  it was pretty so i got a picture of it.  nature is art, God is an artist comparable to no one human, that's for sure.

it wasn't a remarkable day, we ended up working and i worked.  that's the gist of it.  i got up on time, turned on my coffee, said my prayers, had coffee and water while i read my scripture and my meditation books.  i ate and got dressed.  i moved slowly because nothing necessitated a fast motion day.  i got to work earlier than necessary because regardless of their lack of togetherness, my philosophy remains sound:  long as i'm early i'll never be late. 

the day wasn't especially eventful.  counseling was good, i looked a bit deeper into some of the things i've been writing here, Rachel and my older brother and the nature of time shortening and things that end up being jettisoned out of a lack of willingness to tie knots where loose threads dangle.  i went to my parent's house, hung there for a bit, got some food and went back to work.  one of the things that i noticed was i try to be more helpful than i intend to be, helping someone get their car out of a snow bank, knowing they wouldn't express any gratitude.  there are, to me, clear lines of color demarcation, but they're blurred by the hierarchy of power in the facility.  strange to witness.  anyway, i finished the second run, receiving a battery of calls while en route.  in order, Lonnie called to tell me about the results of his biopsy (not great), YW called me to ask me not to stop talking to her (...), my brother called me to tell me he couldn't make it by for dinner as he had family things to tend to, but that my mom needed me to help her with her cell phone, and my mom called me (already mentioned).  i went to help my mother, whose phone had turned off, likely from her battery running all the way down, and she was frustrated and embarrassed and i told her there was no need to be. 

i came home to dinner by myself, which i didn't want to have that night.  the honey-jalapeno cornbread was great, the white chili needs more seasoning which i'll rectify today.  i watched some anime, ate some sugar free pudding for dessert and passed out, pondering and pensive.  which brings me to where i am now. 

i am grateful to God for the ability to remember, though sometimes i have to remember that it is a blessing, despite what it contains. 

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