
Wednesday, February 14, 2018


adaptability is a part of human existence from the womb itself.  babies are the most adaptable humans because their life is minute to minute change.  and honestly, everyone's life is minute to minute change, but babies lack a fundamental mental state that keeps them aware of their changes:  DeNial. 

today wasn't a bad day.  i had decided to turn in a bit later last night, as the whole 8 hour sleep thing was not filtering itself out right, and wasn't really filling me with the energy i thought it would.  plus, it means being in bed by 8 to get up by 4am, and that's the evening more or less.  so last night i stayed up til about 10pm, and i got a good five, six hours of sleep.  but i woke with the beginning of a gout attack as well, and my mind was on a poorly utilized joke with my driver yesterday as well.  so, i prayed and nodded and got up.  i read my meditation books and my bible and i had breakfast. i grabbed some socks from upstairs and got dressed for work, and then i hung back and waited for departure time.

the workday itself went by smooth enough.  i told my driver about the attack i was having, only to learn she gets gout from time to time as well.  then i decided to change up a bit today, let the secretary of the meeting know i wasn't going to be there today, came home and took meds and got my feet up.  i rested for my lunch break at home, then i went to grab some lunch and got to work.  the afternoon wasn't bad either, and my ankle was feeling better as well.  i didn't dawdle after work, i came home after a quick stop at Aldi's, got what i needed for my meat loaf, came home and cooked and ate and showered. i'm chilling now, and i'm going to take two gabapentin shortly and shut it down.  not going to try the 'up later' thing today, because i know i got to get my shit right.  so, being able to walk tomorrow is important.  being able to drive to Columbus this weekend under my own steam is pretty important also, though not exclusively so.  regardless, i am grateful to Jehovah for the blessings of the day. 

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