
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

making it up as i go along...

what i appreciate about this video, what i guess i appreciate about Bowie (now that he's gone, sadly), is how there is truly something to be said about a man who is so immersed in his craft that he can make his last videos literally dying, and he can make one final album that sews his career together, like a beautiful shroud for his transitioning flesh.  i will never be on that level, but if i can get close to that kind of integrity with my art, i will consider myself a success at what i've chosen to do.

so today was good enough.  that's about the summation of it all.

i was up before my alarm, and i couldn't fall back asleep.  my mind was on several things, but i got it quieted enough to pray and get the day moving.  i didn't do my readings until the afternoon, actually.  but my sugar was good, i had coffee and water and got to the gym.  today was weights, and a guy pleasantly surprised me by holding the door as i came in and calling me by my name.  that made me feel good.  i know for me it's always pleasant to know someone knows who i am because they pay attention to things.

anyway, did weights, came home, took meds and insulin.  got my breakfast together and cooked and ate once Syd and Joe were gone.  then i got started on something to make me feel good in the day.  i printed out my business cards and i cut them, so they are ready along with my quarter flyers.  i started working on a new song as well, and i got the music wrapped up this evening.  i'm happy with it so far, but i have no idea what the lyrics are going to be.  i'll work on them tomorrow.  i went to the store and got a beef roast for dinner, and i replaced the yogurt of Syd's that i ate yesterday.  i worked pretty steadily, though i took time to lay back as well.  i ascertained some things i'd need for being in Columbus this weekend, and i started working on dinner.

its cool to think in terms of what comes from what you're doing at the moment.  like having a beat and knowing that i wanted to try to construct something with all the elements, even if they were electronic.  drums, bass, guitars and synthesizer.  or, making a beef roast, baked potatoes and cali blend veggies, and having it in mind to make a stew for tomorrow from the remnants.  that makes me feel good.  like it's thinking ahead, which is important.

so the evening fell.  Syd and i ate.  got the dishes done, got the stew made, coffee's ready to brew.  the song is ready for words.  i am ready for bed.  tomorrow i have a meeting.  no gym, that i can tell right now.  going to start the clothes tomorrow.  being productive.  no harm in moving careful.  Jehovah, i am blessed and grateful tonight.

Monday, February 27, 2017

checking ignition the closing of this the end of February.
i didn't do much about Black History month this year.  i remember on yahoo 360 it was fun, to offer up so much information on the history of black people in America, all the contributors that history wants to forget.  but on FB, it's just one more confrontation that sheds very little light and brings even less enlightenment.  oh, well...

so i hit the gym today.  i did the treadmill.  sugar was good, and i ate much better.  took meds, insulin, read scripture and meditation books.  i went to my parent's house to wash clothes.  i watched a movie with my mother.  i went on a quick run with my brother to grab some scrap he needed help with.  i did catch up to Lonnie today.  no fuss from Syd, but i have to remind her about her appointment on thursday.  i had a good lunch, i have been pretty silent this evening.  i printed my quarter fliers and cut them and i'll print off my booklist and my presentation tomorrow i'm going to need ink for my business cards, though.  but that's okay, i'll get them done.  i tried to find a way to change the message on my business message phone but was unsuccessful so far.

i wonder at my hesitancy to really get my shit together.  i mean, its not all that much of a chore with Syd and Joe staying here and paying rent.  i only really have to mostly stay away.  i don't have to move anything, and i don't have to change my address.  i have to get my stuff for the road and get on the road.  and that's not incredibly difficult to do.  but i'm moving slow.  and i know its just there's an undercurrent of apprehensiveness and sadness.  chapters ending do that to me.  maybe it's a writer's thing.  i still cry when i read the end of "Old Lazarus".  regardless, come friday, i'm heading to southern Ohio, to get this process started.  and i'm going to be okay, no matter what.  i'm certain of that.  i believe that Jehovah has brought me through to this point, and i believe there is a purpose in being here.  so i'll not run; i'm not going to flee from my life again.  but i have to be truthful here, because if i'm dishonest here, it means i'm being dishonest in my own heart, and that is a dangerous habit to get into.

thank you, Father, for a peaceful and safe day.

big chill on sunday

man, i don't know what happened.  i was set to update, but my bed got too good to me i guess.  anyway, quick recap before i hit the gym this monday morning.

i got up and prayed yesterday, moving slow but steady.  i didn't feel bad, but the weather change takes it toll and there's no way to deny it once you get past a certain age it seems.  i read my meditation and scripture, i ascertained that my mom was still intending on going to the hall and i got myself all the way in gear.  i took a bath, did some mixing on Hunger, got dressed and went to my parents.  we took my mom's car to the hall because i could park closer to the entrance so she didn't have to walk as far and i could help her inside.  i stayed awake during the service, which was good.  i took her home after and collected my car.  i went to the store for donuts and a personal sized little cake for Marc, as it was his anniversary on thursday.  then i went to my ca meeting.
the meeting was small, slow and not eventful, but the story we read was good recovery.  not a lot of discussion, but there rarely is anymore.  i left and went to the store and got stuff for an alfredo dish as that was my dinner plan.  went to taco bell to get lunch after, ate and chilled and then made dinner.  i had talked to Rachel once, and as i was cooking i talked to her briefly again.  she was on her way to her sister's, likely for the reception thing.  i finished cooking, had some alfredo, watched some hulu and settled in for the night.  that was the day.  i don't think i spoke to Lonnie.  i got a couple of calls that i chose not to answer.  i am ready for this move, but i am not ready to keep trying to get people to understand what's the deal.  and i'm also not ready to expend energy emotionally that i'm going to need in order to move forward on some of this shit.  i have to print up what i can today.  i'm going to wash a load of clothes.  i'm going to start getting my gear ready to roll and start streamlining some of my things here.  i am not in a hurry.  its going to begin when it's time.  i am grateful to Jehovah for the time i spent with my mother yesterday.  and i'm blessed that my life is full and abundant creatively.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

she's gone (for now)

at this time, Rachel is likely ending her flight with her mother to Arizona.  i hope she gets in okay, that her flight was peaceful and that she has a good visit with her siblings.  i hope her children manage, as they are capable of, and that her son doesn't fuck up.  i miss her already.

today was not a productive day, but it didn't have to be.  i mostly laid about, not feeling pressured toward any certain thing.  i made breakfast for my brother but he was out of town.  i watched some television, i ate, took meds and insulin.  i prayed, but i can't remember if i actually read my books or not.  i've been relaxing, having spoken to my brother finally, my mom and dad, Lonnie and Rachel.  now i'm laying on my bed, about to find a movie, about to shut it down for the night.  i have no great wisdom, nothing to share except gratitude to God for a peaceful day.

Friday, February 24, 2017

tuning up

a week to go.  changes begin and my honey is leaving until the 9th.  i am inundated with change, and i am in the change myself.  not an issue.

as i said, i did get up today, got my ass moving, got to the gym.  i came home and took insulin and meds and had breakfast.  i went to counseling, and it was a pretty casual session, though some very serious topic stuff came up as it always does.  there is fear and apprehension everywhere.  you see, if you look hard enough, the world being made into a warzone.  it's scary to watch when you know what you're seeing.  its scarier to realize that even when you do know what you're seeing, you are still programmed to a degree.  somewhere down the line some people were really smart and long thinking in their consideration of how to dominate a society of individuals.  the answer now is obvious:  stop them from being individuals.  but does this happen by chance, by coincidence, or is it a planned thing that is bearing the fruit of its efforts now?  no way to know for sure.  but when you see the world through the eyes of a hatred that has no ground to stand on, a supremacy that has never completely manifested itself (by which i mean there has never been a time when Euro-dominance has not been under challenge), you know enough to watch with different eyes.  Jews and Muslims are being terrorized at the same time in America now.  i think about how amazing that is.  Mexicans and Middle Eastern people are both being condemned by one small group of people who still think themselves the 'majority'.  only in a broken system, dominated by a skewed 'constitution', could such a mindset exist.  women are being as victimized as ever, and alongside them so are 'transgendered' individuals.  and with all that, and the constant inanities that have always been in effect, the result has been to polarize white male americans of a racist tone against everyone else in the country.  and we can't get our heads together long enough to see that we hold the power.  THAT is masterful programming.  that is some cold blooded shit.  but that's what time and intelligence can create.  that was a huge digression, i know...
after counseling i came home briefly.  my mom called and i got ready to go visit her, as she was troubled and she asked if i'd fix her some breakfast.  Rachel called and asked what i was doing and i told her i'd pick her up after her counseling if she wanted.  i talked to my mom, who is very worried about so many things beyond her control.  it makes me appreciate the recovery program when i see how having no acceptance can keep a person sick for a long time.  i myself still worry, but i let go much easier.  she worries about my father, about my brothers and sisters, and she doesn't take care of herself.  i had her call her foot doctor because she has been in pain for days now.  i have to call and check and make sure she got her pain medicine.  i talked to my brother when he stopped over there and we're going to have breakfast tomorrow and i'm going to let him know what's going on.

i left the house and went to get Rachel.  we went to the Re-Store to look around and then went to Belleria for lunch.  we talked, i tried to break down what my plan is concerning Syd and concerning myself.  i'm sure it sounds crazy, or even mid-life crisis-like, but it is not intended to be.  i want to start building and growing.  how do i do that if i don't approach book merchants about carrying my books?  Waiting For Jesus is ready.  i'm going to order my proofs and i'm going to have another book that people can put on their shelves, read in their hands, turn the pages.  i am happy, time catches up with us all eventually, and sometimes you're in the right position to take advantage of it.

i'm home now.  going to call my mom.  going to get some sleep.  store in the morning, breakfast with my brother.  then i start getting ready to move.  one more week, and i launch from this station into deep space.  and i am grateful to God for the opportunity that this is, and just for life today.

the spark

well, to myself i apologize for not journaling yesterday.  my thoughts were a bit of a jumble, and my actions were still irresponsible, but i should have just written that in preparation for today.  so now, i recap.  because even on a day that didn't play as planned, it still was productive enough.  what should i start with?

well, i got up and was exhausted and unmotivated to the gym still.  i couldn't sleep wednesday night, and when i looked at my phone and saw my alarm would be going off in about three hours and i wasn't sleep yet, i said 'fuck it', and turned off the alarm and went to sleep.  i didn't wake til almost 7 in the morning.  now, reality says i can still go to the gym later than 530, and that is the truth.  but i don't.  used to, but i don't now.  don't even have an excuse.  and that's healthy and unhealthy at the same time.  i did get up eventually though.

i got up and i had coffee and my sugar was good.  i said my prayers before anything else and i did my meditation books and my scriptures and took my insulin and pills.  no crunches, no stretches.  i made myself some breakfast and i started laying out as much of a plan as i could.  my dad had been back in the Urgent Care again on wednesday, unable to move his bowels and worrying about everything, and i had planned to go check on him but i was also trying to take care of some things financially.  the month draws to a close, mercifully, and i pray my calculations for March are on point.  regardless, i didn't go to my parent's house.  i called them, called my brother and then i went to the store.  i wanted perch for dinner and i had to get a phone card.  ended up with cod.

i talked to Rachel a couple of times.  i'm already missing her, but i'll be somewhere else when she gets back from Arizona, so we're going to change the same as i am changing myself.  (it dawns on me in all this that i'll be 49 in 2 months.  time flies when you're going crazy)  i talked to Lonnie as well, no worse for wear than usual.  i was a bit taken aback; i ordered my medicine and paid my back bill, only to wake yesterday to find that they apparently charged me for this order as well.  i usually pay a month behind.  so my funds are lower than i thought they'd be, but i've got enough to ride out the rest of the month, God's grace.  it just streamlines my plans a bit.

and then it hit me, later part of the day.  i've been feeling...unproductive.  and that's a crazy thought (time flies...) but it's what i came up with.

Hence, WAITING FOR JESUS.  new cover, new medium.

i've edited it, made the corrections for the following stories that it is responsible for, as best as could be done without losing the pentameter or the integrity.  i decided i needed to start the process of getting it into print.  i spend the later afternoon designing the cover picture.  sketched within perspective lines, filled in with pencil, colored the figures with coloring pencils and the background in chalk, sprayed it to fix the chalk and scanned it in when it was dry.  in my mind's eye, there were more figures, all seven of the original protagonists, and Jesus standing between them with his hand raise for peace.  but that's not my pay grade, not in my wheelhouse, lemme tellya.  so i did what i could, and i like the results.  and i think that kick started my mojo.

because i don't draw, but i do.  i started off life drawing as a lie, because i'd trace pictures and tell people in my class i'd drawn them, and when called out i was determined to draw in order to turn a lie into a truth.  (had to post an 'up and coming' on Tumblr, quick aside)  yeah, i started drawing, and i liked it, but my brother Jerry is THE ARTIST.  his is natural; mine is labored and takes a lot to execute.  but my writing is another matter.  and so, to do a cover for a book that i've written...i'd much rather have Jerry do it, but he is kind of strained himself since his strokes.  so i enjoy the process.  and though my artwork is very primitive, i like that my mind can still make my hand create what it sees, to some extent.  it makes me feel good.  and feeling good got me to the gym this Friday morning.

but that's for later.  time to fly.  thank you, Father.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


i don't know exactly what the static is going on with my mornings, but i'm going to push hard as hell tomorrow to get to the gym.

i got up and was dragging ass again.  i didn't get right out of bed and knew i needed to get to the gym.  i crashed out until about close to seven and finally got up.  i said my prayer, my sugar was good, i didn't stretch, didn't do crunches, and i didn't hit the gym.  i find it's important to log the things i'm neglecting, as well as the things i am doing on point.  the contrast tends to point toward what the issue might be.  i had a good sugar reading, i had a good breakfast, finally had my oatmeal.  i took a bath and i got my small flyers designed and saved, though i still need to upload them to my cloud.  i got my ass in gear and got out the house early to go pay the meeting rent.

i balanced out the meeting money, went to pay the rent, went up the street to the Fellowship hall and started coffee from the bag i brought with me.  then i locked up and went for a walk.  it wasn't a long walk, but it was a laborious one and it helped me to focus.  i came back, talked to my friend Bryan for a bit until people started coming in for the meeting.  I got the locker key back from Lester and i chaired the meeting.  it was a good one, and i got some things out that helped me where i am today.  the growing up never ends until the changes stop, because every new plateau in life dictates a person has to grow to learn to live in it and deal with it appropriately.  you can't play in a game you don't know anything about, not successfully.  so i got some good from the meeting today.

went to lunch with Lonnie, found my dad had gone back to urgent care, came home, waited around for Syd to get home so we could have a conversation, necessary.  Syd is failing in math, and making poor excuses for everything.  i doubt seriously if anything i say is going to impact on her, but it has to be said so that it can't be said that nothing was ever said.  i told her that she has to start owning her part of things so she can start changing her actions to work for her.  then i talked to Rachel, had my dinner, washed the dishes, took the trash to the curb.  i'm going to shut it down soon so i can make sure i get my ass up and hit all the marks tomorrow.

ownership is a funny concept.  some things that i have to own i want no parts of, and so i give them away by looking at the faults of others and trying not to look at my own.  other things, i want to own desperately, like praise and credit for the things that i do right.  the truth is, one without the other is bullshit, either way you slice that cake.  praise belongs to God, and i give credit to God for all the good things that happen in my life.  there is no bad lesson, if i learn from it, and it makes fault into a foundation for good change and strength for future trials.  but it takes practice.  it takes work and more work.  and in the end, all that i can do is to put one foot in front of the other and keep it moving.  if i do that, blame or praise just ride the train, and i'm just a passenger right along side them.  but it takes some time before a person can learn the truth in that.  so, thank you, Jehovah, for allowing me to live long enough to give credit where it's due and learn from the mistakes i make.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

untitled until now

having been in port for a few weeks now, i am just about ready to leave this familiar universe, this charted territory, and truly venture out into the unknown.  and it's scary, which means i am scared.
time to drop to a new level of honesty, deeper actions require deeper places to come from.
today i didn't hit the gym.  waking up and getting moving is hard to do these days.  i don't believe it's the physical, barometric weather.  i believe it is my emotional weather, the state of the storms and the heatwaves occurring in my spiritual heart.  but i have to push through that shit.  i said my prayer, i got out of bed finally, i took my sugar (140, creeping), i had coffee and water and read my meditations but not a scripture.  i saw Syd out the door, who was also late getting up and just on time getting gone.  i had breakfast and pondered what i needed this day to be.  Rachel texted a good morning and we talked early while i worked on a letterhead for my project to come.  before i could get to work on my business cards, i got a call from Syd's school.
Syd was in the nurses station, feeling 'not well' and wanting to come home.  i got Syd on the nurse's phone and told her to go back to class.  that took some of the wind from my sails, and then when Syd started texting about still throwing up, i said 'fuck it', called the school and told them i was coming to get her but wasn't coming into the school, and i went to get her.  i talked to her on the way back, telling her she is really going to need to get a grip on that kind of bullshit, that the real world is not going to just accommodate her not wanting to be there when it's a job or a career.  but what it really put me in the mindset of is how she's not ready yet.  she's not, but she has to be, there's zero time left, and no lessons that are going to be so impactful they will just change her entire demeanor overnight.  but that's not the deal.  truth is, this has to happen or the slightly deeper hole i'm now in (slightly deeper than last month) is going to swallow me up.
i came home and ate the rest of my baked potato from yesterday's dinner and i laid down.  i called to check on my mom and she and my dad were having some issues and she was waffling on having me come and cook, so i took myself  out of the equation, promising i'd do it tomorrow.  but she called back because apparently my dad bought some stuff and she wanted me to come cook and sort through things so i did.
i took a load of clothes to wash (time to get my shit ready to roll).  i washed and dried, and i prepped a beef roast for Saturday's family dinner, and i put away meat and i made baked meat balls and a gravy for them, and i made a brown mixed rice and corn.  i talked to both mom and dad, and eventually i left, went to Aldi's to get milk and a few other things and i came home and cooked here.  i made meat loaf for myself and baked chicken for Syd, made a pot of rice and had the last of my cabbage while i made Syd some broccoli and cheese.  i ate, watched some television and am now horizontal on my bed.
i am tired, and it runs so deep.  i've been 'ON' for so long, and i really could use a rest.  but there is no time, no time for a reset.  my plan is made, and i believe it will work, to an extent.  i am going to go to different cities and just get my name out there.  my name, my cards, my flyers.  my books.  i thought about it, and it's really what i would have needed someone to do for me, if anyone had been willing and had the time.  but i didn't really have anyone who could (or would) invest the time going from place to place and putting out my material.  and that's okay.  this is all spreading the foundation stuff.  i'm going to start in Columbus, stop in Akron and Canton, one on the way up, one on the way back. depending on how i'm feeling, i'll make my way to either Dayton or Cincinnati, and then i'm coming home.  the next time, i'll go the other way, roll through New Castle, try to make my way to Pittsburgh, and then come home.  i'm going to have informational packets and business cards, and i'm going to work this to get my shit out there.  and eventually, i'll be in my grandfather's house, and i'll be working on writing and doing other people's stuff.  but for now, i'm getting ready to roll.  and that is scary.  but the thought of being 58 and to STILL be wondering, 'what if?'...that is truly terrifying.
so i thank Jehovah for strength and for direction.  and i shall endeavor to move when its time to move.  almost fueled up.  almost time to leave this galaxy.

Monday, February 20, 2017

the Gordian knot

today was productive, and i'm happy about that.  today, i feel that God has been guiding me to and through the situation that now exists in my reality, and i'm very happy about that blessing as well.  and my avocado plant is dying, and i'm not happy about that at all.  not one bit.

i got up with the alarm, a difficult awakening.  i said my prayers, but i haven't stretched or done crunches in days and today was not the exception.  but i got into gym clothes, i had water and coffee, and i took my sugar reading (126 i think) and read my meditation books and scripture.  then i went to the gym.  i did the treadmill today, came home, took my meds and my insulin and had breakfast.  i had a day planned and tried to keep steady moving toward getting the things done that were on my list.

i went and washed the car when i left back out around 9, after i had gotten my information together to put in an app at the Hotel California treatment center.  Yes, I know how it sounds.  anyway, i washed the car and went to Austintown and put in my app and left my resume.  then i came back home, laid down for a bit and put more meditation on the knot i've been working on.  eventually, i went to the store, got a head of cabbage to go with my dinner, got some soup and some cheese.  i came home, made myself some lunch, watched some television and thought some more.  i cleaned my kitchen, i went back out to get something light because i was hungry a few hours after lunch.

eventually Syd came home with Joe in tow.  i talked to Joe first about my thoughts, as he'd been asking questions about the financial part of living here.  after he left to go to school i talked to Syd about some of the same things.  i fixed my dinner, which i had prepped for (chicken wings, cabbage and a baked potato) and after i ate i made Syd some breakfast for dinner.  then i cleaned my mess, told Syd to wash her dishes and put coffee on for the morning and i came into my room, talking to Rachel.

now, the Gordian knot.  one of my favorite fables/legends/lessons.  first, the story, as related through

In Greek and Roman mythology, the Gordian knot was an extremely complicated knot tied by Gordius, the king of Phrygia in Asia Minor*. Located in the city of Gordium, the knot came to symbolize a difficult problem that was almost impossible to solve.
According to legend, Gordius was a peasant who married the fertility goddess Cybele. When Gordius became king of Phrygia, he dedicated his chariot to Zeus* and fastened it to a pole with the Gordian knot. Although the knot was supposedly impossible to unravel, an oracle predicted that it would be untied by the future king of Asia.
Many individuals came to Gordium to try to undo the knot, but they all failed. Then, according to tradition, the Greek conqueror Alexander the Great visited the city in 333 . After searching unsuccessfully for the hidden ends of the Gordian knot, Alexander became impatient. In an unexpected move, he took out his sword and cut through the knot. Alexander then went on to conquer Asia, thus fulfilling the oracle's prophecy. Alexander's solution to the problem led to the saying, "cutting the Gordian knot," which means solving a complicated problem through bold action.

now, as this relates to my current events.  i've looked at this from all sides.  i cannot get back to ground zero as long as i'm covering all bills here and staying landlocked.  i also cannot make the moves needed to get my name out there as a writer or a business from this address.  Syd wants to move in with Joe, and they want their own place, but for whatever reasons (financial, i'm certain), they are unable to make that happen and were planning to move in with Joe's mother, who is supposedly a racist and according to them both, 'stupid'.  then, there's my dad, who is determined that things should not happen as such, my mom who is worried, neither of them listening to me telling them that they're right, but things are going to happen as they're going to happen.  not to mention, all the work that goes into separating my important stuff, setting up shop elsewhere, most of which entails cleaning out both my parent's basement and part of Lonnie's garage (storage).  but through me, and i say that because i am not clever or wise enough to have pulled Alexander's sword on this one, a resolution was presented:  allow Syd and Joe to live here, as renters.  without me being here.  
my plan is to move into my grandfather's house.  i am not going to sign a lease somewhere else.  but i am giving up this space, because i'm giving up these bills.  if they live here, are responsible for the rent, the utilities and their own food, they get a chance to learn to be responsible.  my stuff can stay here, because i am still the primary lessee. but, and this is strange but true;  Syd is also a lessee on this apartment.  because the landlord who purchased it from my original landlord had her sign the lease as well.  therefore, she has a legal right to stay here.  

they can pay the rent, pay the utilities.  i can leave all that in my name.  if they're not paying, i will know because i keep track of my stuff online.  i won't have to change my mailing address, won't need to move my equipment, have my meds shipped elsewhere.  i won't need to do anything except get my informational stuff together, get my ass in the car and roll to where my compass points me.  it is not, mind you, a perfect situation.  but it is ideal, and it is still sacrifice to make room for next things.  and they're close enough, in a known location, to be checked up on, and to check up on the grandparents.  

i am putting it in Jehovah's hands.  i believe it will work out.  but i am blessed either way, that a way becomes clearer if i continue doing the next right thing.  thank you, Father.  

Sunday, February 19, 2017

the ghost is me

not a dramatic day, despite the title.  just a poem i'm pondering, from how i'm sort of feeling these days.

i didn't do anything much today.  slept in, said my prayers, took meds and insulin, ate and cleaned dishes and killed a spider.  i didn't go to the hall, didn't go to meeting, and turned down a visit from a guy who used to go to meetings because i wasn't really doing people today.

i saw Syd and Joe in the evening and spoke to them, giving them some alternatives, but i knew how it was going to play out and it did.  so i won't try to keep spinning the plates anymore.  i talked to my parents about setting up my office in the basement and they're okay with it. my dad doesn't want Syd out on her own, as i knew he wouldn't, but it's not up to him or my mom or brother or anyone else.  i am not 'okay' with it, but i am fine with her having the right to succeed or fail on an attempt, rather than simply being afraid to try.  it's not a good situation, but as the old saying goes, 'a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still'.  i've not ever found that to not be true, so i'm done with CPR on this issue; it is a corpse, and will be respected as such.

talked to Rachel briefly, talked to Lonnie, talked to my friend Keith and Patrice, who had a date yesterday and today and i'm happy about that.  haven't heard from anyone else, and that's cool.  gym tomorrow, time to get this party started right.  time to gather, dispose, wrap and pack and bag and box.  time to get ready to shake the tree.  I am grateful for a day of rest, and grateful to God for whatever falls from the tree.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

...why the journey?

i missed yesterday.  i've been on the cusp of great emotional upheaval for the past two months, and it culminated today, and strangely i feel calm.  but i can say truly i understand why i became aware of the recycling this year as opposed to any year that fell in line with my sobriety year before now, and why this is a journey.

i got up and said prayers and got the day started.  i had cleaned yesterday, as well as got to the gym, got the order delivered to VF at counseling, got to my parents and went back to fix dinner for them and took my daughter to lunch to talk to her on the event horizon of her 18th birthday.  so my house was in order and i had nothing to do but wait for Rachel to call.  meantime, i took meds and insulin, i ate, i texted a couple people, talked to a friend or two and i went to brunch with my friend Marc.  i went to pick up Rachel about 130 or so, i believe, maybe a bit earlier than that, but not much.  and Rachel came over and we hung out and ate some good food and had some good close time and Syd came home and Rachel was able to give her the present she got her for her birthday.  and dinner was wonderful, to me anyway:  catfish cakes (like crabcakes, but with catfish) and sausage and pasta soup i'd made and frozen last week, that was the appetizer course.  we watched a movie and then had fried catfish, pan fried potatoes and onions and creamed spinach for the main course.  i helped her twist her hair and it was nice, but it was sad too, because likely it's the last time we're going to hang out here at this apartment.

i took her home and now i'm here journaling before i go to bed.  and that brings me to the point.

monday i'm going to start the process of shutting this all down.  intelligently and spiritually, i need to divest myself of this structure and any attachment to anything that consumes.  i need to build, i need to pay the fees i have allowed to grow again, and i need to work on the publishing service company.  and to do that, i'm letting go of having a physical home.  if my grandfather's house were available, it might be different.  but as it is, i can only see letting this stuff go,and getting my ass in gear with networking out and promoting my company and myself.  it's going to take some doing, but it is going to happen.  and i am melancholy as hell in the process, but i'm always melancholy anyway.

i'm grateful for clarity, and I thank Jehovah for the blessing of having made it through Syd's formative years without bailing.  i am honored to be strengthened thus.  more later.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

rest in peace, Mr. Junie Morrison

losing too many great spirits and great minds...i'm running out of heroes.

THE COMING CHAPTER (an aside, written for Facebook)

My name is Timothy Thomas, and I am forty-eight years old.

There is no significance to that information whatever in the tale that I'm scribing now, save for how much time has passed in the events that I'll be speaking of. It's just a way of marking today as an epoch of sorts, a land mass I may use to check in the future just how far I've come at that time.

Anyway, what's this really about?

Well, I am about to go through a change. And that's no big deal, because everyone does these days, don't they? And everyone seems really compelled to speak on the changes they are undergoing as well. Almost like we're all hoping some television producer is standing close enough to hear or read or see our extraordinary selves and pay us millions of drama to fake our isms on the television every night. But I don't want that. And it ain't that kind of change anyway.

No, my change has to do with where I am come Saturday, the 18th of February, and not knowing where I'll be on the 19th. And, admittedly, being frightened by that fact.

See, we have to go back. And to go back, means some things, though anonymously writ, will be familiar to some people who knew me back then and when, who shared parts of my life with me then. And I say this upfront: turn away now, if my honesty disturbs you. I don't do much of this. I don't post my personal life, I don't share my private business. I am a writer of poetry and books, and a facilitator of creative endeavors, and I work on becoming known for writing some amazing and touching stories. I don't do 'socially-mediated drama', and that's not going to change.

But if I'm to get useful suggestions (keep your advice, cause I'm not asking for any) I have to be honest about what the journey has been. Also, it's cathartic in a way. These aren't secrets, but they have the power of secrets because they have a bearing on my today, and as such, if kept internalized, they could compromise my integrity.

That's enough of a disclaimer.

In the year 1999, a woman who I have resumed respecting and appreciating a great deal blessed me with a biological unit, combining our DNA in her womb to produce a daughter. She had done this the prior year, but that ended in a miscarriage, and I'm still sad about that today. This daughter was born into a family, as she had a son and a daughter who were both in her care at that time. She was also born into a mess and a storm, as her mother and I were at complete opposing ends of the life spectrum. The woman was looking for a different self, and that didn't really include me. I was full of myself, arrogant and insecure as all get out (I was 31 at the time, or thereabouts), and felt that if I could just find some way to 'man' the situation, all would be well. This is a simplification, but it will suffice. I had not grown up yet, and neither had she, and we weren't very good together. As well, I was recently divorced (she had yet to be divorced at that point) and I had taken her as a hostage to another city in order to continue to build my self-estimation with wet paper and old gum.

Well, we separated the next year. And I had a child, a one year old, that I was going to raise. I had a lot of help. I love the myth of the 'single' parent, as if we're out on the Plains by ourselves, foraging through the brush for roots and shoots and berries and fighting off wild animals for meat and skins and survival. Truth is, I had a good daycare person, I had some pretty solid friends, I had a decent job and I had family that would dote on my newborn (now toddling) daughter. But I also had a toddling daughter, who grieved in the saddest way possible, the loss of the entirety of her family. Have you ever watched a one year old toddle from room to room, looking for family that they know should be there but aren't there? It is heartbreaking shit. That, along with some changes in the managerial structure of my landlord's life, necessitated a move to a smaller apartment. And I guess that's where memory truly begins for my child and myself.

There was also my son, a young man who too was fairly dispossessed in his parental situation. I am now, and was then, blessed to have him in my life. When his mother and I separated, he went with her and my daughter came with me. Before long, he too was with me and his sister, and life sort of became normal enough. There was school, pre-school and work. There were issues to be worked out. There was an older brother and a much younger sister who wanted to tag along everywhere. There was so much to do, so many days of just trying to breathe, because we were not stagnant. We didn't do a bunch of stuff outside the house, but I like to think we filled the house with our hearts. The apartment, I mean. When I moved to my last apartment in Columbus, my son was in his first truly urban (black) area and had problems with the kids based on him being an outsider. My daughter had a little friend who lived right down the street, and they hung out all the time. I had drunk neighbors behind me, a couple who were Jehovah's Witnesses across the street. I'd begun doing a poetry set at a place called Ladyfly Design Studio, right across from what was Victorian's Midnight Cafe, and that morphed into the performance group The Church of the Eternal Vibologism, which was one of my proudest moments. We had veg-a-thons, inviting the neighbors from the old street, making tons of junk food and just vegging out on old monster movies of one sort or another.

Then the bottom fell out.

I was fired from a job I'd been at for 6 years, because I was stupid. I was stupid to listen to individuals tell me to file a civil rights affidavit without telling me any of the follow-through stuff when I didn't get a promotion I was in line for. I was stupid because my ego told me I should have received the promotion rather than a friend, when in truth I was anti-social, not very friendly outside of the plant I ruled for the most part, I was distant, sort of unapproachable to the staff and only did what I wanted to do, though that was a lot of what the business was. I would not have been a good representative for the company, and in hindsight I saw that and sent an amend attempt to my former bosses' email. Hindsight.

I had a space of six years that if I listed it on my resume or application and they called the company, they got a bad report on me. And if I didn't list the company, I had to explain what I'd been doing for the past 6 years. I had a new car that I couldn't make payments on. I found shitty jobs that I held just to bring in some money, but they were horrible. Funny thing is, I never considered getting drunk or high. Those didn't occur to me as options. I considered suicide, though. I really did.

My plan was, after I'd run the gamut of emotions and was empty of any hope, that I'd make the children's mother take them, then before the utility companies caught up to me I'd blow out the pilot lights and turn up the gas, and I'd just go to sleep. I'd sleep until I'd never wake up again, and I wouldn't have to live as a failure any more. And the kids would be safe. That was my mindset 12 years ago. My daughter was six.

Instead, God had other plans.

I ended up moving back to Youngstown, my current home, with my daughter. My son did move back with his mother, and he is now a professional chef in a city of gluttons, so I'm thinking he did good where he was at. I moved back with nowhere particular to go, except my parent's house, and I didn't want to move in with them. I wanted to place my daughter with them, as she had a bedroom already at their home, and I wanted to just be able to wash and maybe eat from time to time, living out of my car if need be, until I got a foundation back under me. But they let us both move back in. My daughter was in the first grade. She had started her first grade year in Columbus and ended it in Youngstown, at a Trumbull county school.

We had problems from the start. I told my daughter (and I know she heard me, as she repeated it back to me recently in trying to 'talk around' a point I was making...if you have kids of a certain age, you know what I mean) that there was a huge difference in going to visit her grandparents for a summer and being there full-time. I told her, in essence, ''You're not going to be a princess to them anymore; not right now.” I don't think she believed me. I don't think she wanted to. I Mostly because she had her own agenda from the beginning.

I can say this about my youngest: she has always been her own person. She wanted her family back, and at the very least she wanted her mother to take her. I'm sure she thought I had taken her away from her mother. And once she found that the magic of being 'special granddaughter' had ended, she did all she could to get sent back to her mother.

I draw the line here, in the endless and sometimes spectacular drama my daughter has created and manufactured over the years in her campaign. I will only say this, and again, some will understand: I know what misery smells like. It smells like a child's room who is too angry to acknowledge that they are grieving.

But I didn't have a lot of choice. I was not well myself. I had no idea how brittle my descent in Columbus had left me. I was a bad friend to some of my oldest people, I was full of contempt for everything 'Youngstown', and I was still depressed beyond my ability to shake. To top it off, after working a new job in this city for almost two years, I was hospitalized and diagnosed with congestive heart failure, and while I was in the hospital not knowing if I'd live or die, my job took that time to fire me on trumped up bullshit, which I have settled legally. As well, unbeknownst to me, some fool in Columbus with my name got caught on some felony shit around the time I was leaving the city, and some daydreaming cleric filed their felony under my information. That has cost me some possible jobs in the last few years, but that's an aside. Point being, I was catching a bit of hell, and wasn't being the best father I could have been.

I ended up on disability, and soon after that we moved into the apartment that I'm sitting in now. It is a small apartment, it is drafty in the winter, and it is sweltering in the summer. The campaign for release from bondage from me has continued here, abating somewhat in recent months. I've gone from performance poetry to writing books and working on growing my own publishing service business. And my daughter...well, that's really the point of all this.

See, in two days, my daughter turns 18. In two days, the official part of this journey is over. In two days, my child will be legally grown, though some 'rights' won't come into play until she is 21. And in two days, the most dominant part of my identity will be diminished to the role of a footnote. And I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do at that point.

I've heard parents say, “They turn 18, they on their own, ain't listening now, I don't want to hear it then!” And I can relate. But I know that's not going to be me. Because of my child's campaign over the years, she's squandered a lot of the intellectual capital that she had in abundance. I don't know if school is in her future. I don't know what the future holds for her. I don't ask, because I have not one hundred percent believed anything she's said to me in a lot of years now. My child lies because she's practiced it for so long it's a habit. She has her own mind, and her own agenda. She's already in the process of moving out, and I'm not planning to stop her. Because I've tried to teach her the things I've felt she'd need to know, and that's all any parent can do. You can beat your child or scream until you pop a gasket, you can punish with restrictions and whatever. Bottom line, you try to impart wisdom. And you do that by sharing you. I know that my child has never seen me drunk or high, because she was born in my sobriety, and that makes me happy. I know she has seen me write a bunch of books, and that makes me happy. I know she is going to graduate this year, and that makes me very happy. I know that she has an interest in photography, I know she has a lovely singing voice, I know she is smart as hell. I know that she is able to catch on to new things fairly quickly. And I know that I love her unconditionally, and always have and always will.

I am at a crossroads, again. I guess that's really the nature of life in this particular reality, isn't it? You're born on a crossroad, and every single thing is a decision that leads somewhere other than where you're at. Some spend their entire life shitting on themselves and needing a change, though not by their choice necessarily. And some are born older than human experience, and are regarded as earthbound demons or deities, and there's not always a difference between the two.

I remember when my child was very small, and I was more arrogant than I am now (and I am still very arrogant, but that only goes to show how very full of myself I used to be), I was trying to figure her spirit animal. I thought she was an elephant, so very large and wise so early, but she told me in no uncertain terms she was not an elephant. I couldn't figure it out then; I still can't figure it out. But she is amazing, and she is the truest owner of my heart, though I've had to protect it from her as well. Because even love has rules, and even love has lines of demarcation. You have to live long enough to learn that for it to mean anything.

Saturday, she turns 18, and I become the father of a grown young lady. I am working on working again. I just tried (and abandoned) a phone sales job. I never was any good at hard sales, and I don't want to sell my soul to gain a used and worn-out world in the bargain. I want to build my business. I want to sell books and help others sell theirs. I want to do work that makes me feel good about being me. And I know that I'm still a dreamer, but I've had time to dream. I've watched a seed planted grow into a tree. I remember things, things like my daughter's first solid food (snatched greedily from my plate at the Waffle House off Cleveland Avenue) and how when she was still a baby she began writing letters and then, as if she were just saying, 'Are you satisfied?', she stopped again until she went to school. She was practicing cursive when they were teaching printing. She has always been determined to be older than she really was, wiser and smarter. And she has been a huge pain in the ass as well. She is stubborn, obstinate, moody, argumentative and sullen. In other words, she is a typical 18 year old. And I guess...maybe that means I didn't fuck this one up.

Lord, I hope that's what it means.

I worry. I worry about this world we live in and it's deadly intent to continue to infuse everyone with fear and anguish enough to kill whatever just might be threatening or, at the very least, different. I worry for her, for my son, for my spirit daughter and her new son. I worry for my friend's children. I don't know any people who would truly be happy in this America these fools are trying to 'Make Great' again. I don't want to know any people like that. People like that would be happy to own myself and my children.

But can I possibly say thank you to all those who have helped me raise my children, who have contributed to my daughter turning 18 soon? Can I thank her daycare person, her godmother, her brother and sister whom I love so very much? Can I thank the addicts and alcoholics in the meetings who watched her sit in her car seat in the earliest days of her life? Can I thank my landlord who did not put us out in the street when the bottom fell out from under my sanity? Can I thank my two dear friends, who thanks to the former President were finally able to marry legally, for providing us with food and prayers despite me being so angry that one of them was promoted “over' me? Parenthesis, because they picked the best person for that job, and I know that today. Can I thank my benefactors, my employers, my mentors, my allies who were there when worlds turned literally against me? Can I thank any employers who helped me in some way or another provide for my children's care? Can I thank my parents for being there for us when we needed them most, and for still being there? Can I thank my brothers and sisters who were able to be kind and considerate, who modeled behavior and sometimes taught direct lessons for my child's benefit? Am I able to finally thank her mother, though we've had so many differences, for allowing me to create a life with you? Am I able to thank Jehovah God for not judging me by an old standard, but letting me grow up and be a father to children who needed a father, who needed something that wouldn't break?

If I can, then I do. But there aren't enough thanks for that.

I'm going to re-enter the world again. I'm going to go where I need to go, to get done what I need to get done to succeed in my business. I want to leave something for my children to benefit from, at the very least, something that, maybe, might make our struggles make sense down the road.

The only name you have is mine. Everyone else, who may see themselves in this, thank you.

I started this journey 18 years ago. I was almost 31 years old. I'll be 49 in April. And I can say, God willing and the creek don't rise, at least I did the most important thing from start to finish.

Aspire Higher.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

...the first was the last (this smells familiar...)

bad day, but it's okay.  it's wednesday, a bad day for many.
i did not get up well, but i got up with prayer, which was good.
i did not go to the gym, as my knee was feeling like someone had tried to keep me from the Olympics figure skating.
i did read scripture and meditation books.
more importantly, i couldn't bring myself to return to the job.
i tossed it around in my head like a mental football all night.  i slept and it was in my dream and i woke and it was first on my mind.
i don't do sales.  i hate sales.  i hate phone solicitation.  i hate the work.
i think too much to be comfortable in this environment.  i don't care if people don't want something they've never heard of.  i don't care for making money by matching wits with someone for the profit of someone i will never meet.
i thought i could make myself okay with it.  i was mistaken.
i felt ashamed of myself, though.  wasn't this one more time of playing God?
was this me once more spitting in God's face?  turning my back on a provision?
i don't know.  i still don't know.
i've been here before.  when i was living in columbus, after i was shitcanned from Menendians, i got a job at a steel mill, the place that granddaddy Bush owned that used to regularly kill it's employees with their lack of safety.  i lasted two days.  it was the most brutal place i'd ever been, and i wasn't even on what would be deemed a hard job.  i was actually in pretty good shape at that time, but there is being fit, and there is being mill-hard.  i was not, and will never be, that hard of a man.
i think phone sales is kind of the same thing, but it's mental hardness, it is a coldness that tells you that you have to snatch your bread from the mouths of your customer.  i'm not really built that way.  i tend to feel there's enough bread for us all.  but that's me.
i put in more apps.  i go to a temp agency tomorrow to sign up, in hopes that i can find a genuine customer service job.
i'm going to get active with and with dd4hire, a designated driver company i had did the online app for couple years ago but never followed through with.
my knee still hurts.
Syd will be 18 on saturday.  she's moving her stuff out now, planning to live with Joe at his mother's house.
life is strange.  i am going to see where it all goes.
and i am still grateful to God, and i am still blessed.  maybe VF will put me back in at my regular time on Friday?  one can only hope...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

first day

well, this was an experience, to be sure.

it was not a bad day, but it is not a good job.  and honesty must rule here; i am not going to just bail, but i don't know for how long.

i got up on the alarm, after 7 hours of sleep.  it was a good sleep, with a meditation video.  i did my prayer, did my stretches and crunches, and got my ass into my gym gear.  i got to the gym at 530 and did the treadmill today.  my leg was still hurting, but i have to re-establish a routine that now includes work, so i have to see what i'm holding on to and what i'll be letting go of, by doing all the things i have in store.  when i got home, i took my meds and insulin, read my meditation books and scripture (though i may have done that before the gym) and i had breakfast, two egg and sausage breakfast tacos from my own kitchen.  i laid down, but didn't go back to sleep, and i was on my way to the place at 920 or so.

i got there before any of the others, and i sat in the break room and waited.  there were 8 of us starting, and the training is pretty laughable, though stupid and traumatic are not exclusive of each other.  we went over what is expected, went to a phone bay, had the trainer do some role play for about 25 minutes and then we were taking calls.  the computer system is ancient, the job program runs in DOS, there are scripts but not on the computer so you have to rely on paper taped all over the place to read through coherently, and the job is essentially convincing people that they should accept 'free' copies of a newsletter this company puts out, and one of the newsletters has an invoice with it, and the invoice means that they've subscribed to have this delivered and they'll be charged for it for a year.  and its not something that anyone wants to be bothered with.  well, a few people do.  it would be quite a bit easier if they were upfront with the information, and i doubt if they would lose any sales that way, but no one wants to do anything up front.

my knees are killing me, and i'm sleepy.  i had burger king for lunch, and i saved my second sandwich and i think that was dinner.  but i am grateful.  change is never easy, but it always comes.  thank you, Father, and help me remember my gratitude.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Ready as I'm gonna Be

i am glad this day is coming to its conclusion.  not that it was a bad day, but it was a day of getting ready, and a day of reflecting.

i was hurting when i got up this morning.  i didn't go to the gym.  i slept in a bit, and then i got up and finished the video i posted here.  i had gotten the rest of my footage last night, and it is time to start pushing MECHANICAL JESUS, so i'm glad i got it done.

i said my prayers first, though, and i took my insulin and did my readings.  i got my paperwork printed up to take to Mary Lou also.  then i got myself gone about 10 to the JCC and got that part of things done.

i had my membership fees waived for now, thanks to Mary Lou and VF, and I am appreciative of that.  i came home, talked to Lonnie, Rachel and my mom and then i went to Howland to finish the hiring stuff for the job.

i got the stuff done, stopped at the Greek place out front and got a gyro for lunch and made my way back to Youngstown.  i had gotten a call from Heather, saying she had been put out from the place i dropped her off at, before i went to Howland, and i called her when i got home, went and picked her up and dropped her off on the east side.  then i came home.  finally.

i ran myself a hot bath, and i soaked in epsom and took some tylenol.  i got myself together for tomorrow.  after awhile of attempting (and failing) to nap, i got up and had dinner.  now i am sleepy, but it's still a bit early to sleep.  but i'm going to put it down, i'm going to rest, so i can hit the gym, so i can be ready to do this first day of training.  going to take some getting used to.  it will be six hours a day for the next four days, and anywhere between five and six hours a day in the following week.  but it will show me for sure if i'm ready to re-enter the workforce.  and i'm going to climb out of this hole and stay out, by God's grace.  I'm very grateful for the blessing of this day, and all the people that made this blessing real, and to Jehovah for assembling all these people.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Anxious and Ready

i'm sleepy, but i'm going to get this done before i shut it down for the night.
i had a good day, and i have no complaints that don't begin and end with me.
i got up too early, i didn't stretch or do crunches.  i did take insulin and meds, i did pray, i did have a good breakfast.  i did read scripture and meditation books.  i did get to the Hall with my mom, and i am grateful for that, but i did nod off during the Watchtower study.  perhaps if i have my lesson ready in advance, i can be more involved in the process.  or maybe getting old just sucks ass.
i did get to my meeting and i did get the second shots done that i need for the Mechanical Jesus spot.  i did contact Rachel but she couldn't come back over today.  i did talk to Lonnie and he's still pretty sick.  i did get a brief hiatus and i did get my dinner cooked and things cleaned up and put away.  i did relax, and i plan to get my stuff ready for my appointment with Mary Lou.  i am looking forward to starting training on Tuesday.  i do feel hopeful, and that is a good feeling. i am about to get the last shot that i need, to the best of my ability, and that way i can get done the rest of what i need to get done and maybe even get this last spot posted by tomorrow.  i AM grateful for the blessing of a full day, for spiritual food and for good friends who are there when you need them.  i am Grateful to my God for everything.

Tumult and progression

Tumult:  a loud, confused noise, especially in a crowd of people, or confusion, disorder.

I'm leaning on the second one, but it's just an excuse under any circumstances.  life is an exchange.  it always has been, and likely it will be until there's another reality for people to exist in.

this has been a week of ups and downs, and the weekend has been no different thus far.  but i'm grateful still.

i had a great day friday, up to a point.  i got up and did my stuff, sans stretching and crunches, which i am very disobedient to that discipline and need to get better.  i got to the gym and i did treadmill and weights.  sugar was good, i got home and saw Syd off to school, had my breakfast and made ready for counseling, which is never as difficult to do as 'made ready' makes it sound.
counseling was good, and VF's book club ordered books so i had a good sale of Old Lazarus.  after that i went to my parent's house, talked to them for a bit, got the call i was waiting for as far as when i would be starting training officially, and i came home and spoke to Rachel.

which is when the tumult began.

nothing new, nothing different.  the other side came to the conversation.  and i felt weary.  questions about whether she was one more person i was trying to 'fix', about whether she was what i needed, so on and so on...i finally just asked how long was she going to keep trying to find a way out of this without just saying so.  after a point of the line of conversation we were having i couldn't speak anymore and so went to try to nap.  i felt bad, i'd just been talking about some of this in counseling.  but i had to say 'Your will be done, Father', because i know in my heart that everything in life is an exchange.  some things i really need to be happening are happening.  some things that i really don't want to happen were going to happen to balance that out.  i got up, did some straightening in my apartment and made myself some dinner.  i called her back but got no answer and that wasn't a problem at that time.  when she did call back, i had nothing much to say so i didn't stay on long.  did some thinking.

I talked to my friend PF about the situation today, just to get some feedback, though i knew in my heart what i was going to do.  i didn't text Rachel a good morning.  i had written off the day, but apparently she had not.  she called me in the late morning and when i asked what she was into today, she said she thought we had plans, which we did.  i picked her up in an hour and brought her back to my house.  we talked, or i started talking and telling her what i was feeling, as i didn't speak on the ride over.  i told her that i had no idea how to deal with her if me being myself was not going to be okay with her.  i told her that i wasn't trying to 'fix' her, that i wasn't trying to coerce her into anything, but that i was attempting to enjoy the time we had, with the limited resourced we had at hand, for as long as i possibly could.  after a point, we got back to okay terms.

we went to the store, which i had to do anyway as i forgot the hairspray i needed to make my banner permanent.  she got stuff for spaghetti for dinner, as she was cooking.  i didn't interfere, didn't try to help other than doing prep.  i let her cook and she did a great job as she always does.  it was nice, we watched a movie and then her daughter was in some physical distress so i took her home to see about her house and her children.

i don't know why the ride is necessary.  i don't know what i want in the long run in this, but i want to have a long enough run to find out what's down the road.  i can't simplify it any more than that.

my apartment reeks of Aqua Net, i'm very sleepy and i have a lot to do tomorrow.  I thank Jehovah for all i am blessed with today.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

...rain songs...

this day has been a bit off.  i feel as if the controls are not reading quite right.  though i'm still following the established trajectory, i sure feel as if i am off my plotted course.  but all there is to do is take the adventure and see where i eventually end up.

i did get up with prayer today, but i wasn't feeling the gym.  my left leg has been bothering me greatly lately.  but that's not the reason.  i went to sleep with details and dilemma running through my brain, and though the sleep was deep it was not refreshing.  i didn't use my meditation music, i just clocked out and then clocked back in.  so i got up, said my prayer, and i got into the day.  i didn't do sit ups or crunches either.  i did read my books and my scripture.  i did have breakfast, had grits with my eggs because my sugar was 90 when i got up.  i talked to Joe about coming over at 6 in the morning, over an hour before Syd needs to leave for school, and as it their wont, he said she asked him to and when i asked her she threw him under the bus.  so there you go.

i got started very nondescriptly.  i had a plan to work on stuff, and i needed to get some supplies.  so i didn't do the lay around thing, which was good.  i went to my parents house, i talked to my dad and my mom for a bit, and i picked up some stuff that i could use for the video i'm working on.  i came home, had lunch and started working on a design on a white sheet for a backdrop.  then i took an actual nap, though it was very short.

eventually Syd came home and we had a talk.  she's been off into her own thing, and seems to be pretty unconcerned about the well-being of either myself or the apartment.  but i'm wearied with arguing this kind of shit.  i do the dishes, i put them away.  i keep the home clean.  shortly, i'll be doing these things myself for myself  anyway, so no point not getting into the habit now.  but i won't be disregarded without letting it be known that it's bullshit.  no going quietly into that night for me.

i got dinner done, we ate, i am currently posting songs about the rain (or reign, as the case may be) on facebook, as i consider what i need to color this pattern on this shit, my friend Lonnie pissing blood and needing to go to his doctor tomorrow, and paying on the last of my bills so i can gauge my finances for the rest of the month.  i am blessed, this job is going to be very much beneficial to getting the foundation under me.  and i give thanks to Jehovah God for the provision.

tomorrow will definitely be a different day, and different is good.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


well, things turn, and they stay the same as well.  so i won't just sum things up, but i am appreciative and grateful for where things ended up today.  a lot of nice things happened, and i'm pretty happy about that.

start with the morning, getting to the gym, saying prayers, but not stretching or doing crunches.  which is why i say, i draw no conclusions, because i'm still where i was.  mentally and emotionally.  i did hit the gym, did weights, came home, made an omelet, had meds and insulin, saw Syd out the door (after making sure she had the paperwork to take to school for SSI) and i settled back into myself.  i had an interview in the morning and a meeting and i wanted to focus on those things.

the interview went well, an easy enough place to find.  the process was short, quick, one page app to fill out and some q&a with the boss lady.  then a test, which was about 20 terms in groups of four, and you had to choose which of each set described you most, and which described you least, and they had some scale that your answers gridded you by.  not hard.

i went from there, scenic route, to the CA meeting.  small today, only about 6 of us...until my sponsor showed through.  it was really good to see him.  he is still on oxygen, but he was out, and he has a new car, so it's hard not to smile thinking about him.  we talked for a bit after the meeting and i'm going to have to get out there to visit him, as his time out of the house is limited to his supply of oxygen.  i came home after that and had some lunch.

i started thinking about how to get the video done and began to clear space for the computers for the primary shot.  then it was all good from there.

i did get the shots i needed this evening, which is a third of the shooting i'm going to do.  i have the things that i need for the next two project shots that i need, and i just have to get the people that i need to make it work.  i forgot to mention that i did get the job, hurrah!  i'm very happy about that.  a chance to make things right.  all you can really ask for is a chance.  and when you get it, make sure you make the most of it.  that is what i'e learned.  i'm about to go to sleep, and i'm going to let tomorrow tend to itself.  Thank you, Father, for keeping us safe and letting me see more today than i did previously.


i want to take a moment to outline what my depression is like.  not because there should be some great concern, but because i realized yesterday that i am depressed.  and this is not the same depression that i'm accustomed to, though each one has elements in common.

i got up yesterday and i said my prayer, but i didn't stretch, didn't do my crunches.  it was hard to get out of the bed.  it was hard to get moving.  there are things that i have to get done.  i have an area close to my computer that i need to clear out so i can set up my scene one for the MECHANICAL JESUS commercial.  but i haven't been able to muster the drive to do so.

it's not a lack of energy.  it's more like...a constant drain on my energy reserve.  that is closer to the situation.  like i am pouring water into a bucket with a hole exactly the dimensions of what i'm pouring in.  that is what is similar about this and all my other depressions.  except with this one, i won't stop pouring.

i think about what the future is truly bringing to me, and of course there's no way to know that for certain.  i think about how there aren't easy apartments to find that are cheap.  i think about what the next ten, fifteen, twenty years are going to be like.  i wake up, and the body doesn't really want to respond.  i make it move, make it do things so i can get into first gear and i never really get out of first gear.  sometimes, i make it to second gear.  yesterday i did, because Rachel came over and because i was going to cook for my parents and i took her with me so she could visit with my mother. but second gear is not really moving like i need to move.

i ate way too many times, way too many sweets.  i had a grilled cheese and a pastelillo from Papa's.  i had an omelet for breakfast.  i ate cookies, have been all week.  i've been semi-pacifying myself.  it isn't really working.  it's just an old habit.

i'm tired of the mud.  more than the cold, i am tired of the mud that is always outside my door.  i'm tired of the messes, the sloppy weather.  a neat snow day is not a bad thing.  rain and mud and cold and gray skies that seem to not end are horrific in a great enough number of successive days.

but this is just a part of it.  financial concerns, Syd growing up, parents getting old.  aches, constant and varying but always there.  a bruise that just appeared on the underside of the knuckle of my left hand, on the palm side.  discolored and painful.  the dark spot has gone away, but the pain lingers.  i know that bruises at my age could mean things.  'at my age' is a horrible statement.  but it is not frightening.  it's sobering.

this will lift.  i don't feel it having set into a secure foundation.  i have an interview today at 10:15.  i have my meeting.  i have leftovers.  i'm going to make sure Syd takes this paperwork from social security to school today and that it gets filled out and sent back in.  i'm going to at least get my scene set up, even if i have no one to play the computer tech.  i'm going to start working again.

some depression has its roots in spiritual growth.  as above, so below.  if one is trying to grow in this world, it can only truly be done by growing in spirit as well.  and when one is growing in good spirit, bad spirit will attack with deliberation.  i've been in familiar situations before.

i remain, however, grateful to Jehovah, for being patient with me and continuing to strengthen me for the days ahead.  I will do better as the days go by.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Ghosts with breath and skin

i got this day started pretty good.  i had a plan, as outlined yesterday.  i hit a lot of it, i think, but not all of it.  but i started strong.
i got up, said a prayer and did my crunches and some stretches.  felt my legs trying to cramp, so i didn't go heavy duty into the stretching.  i got my blood sugar checked, got coffee and water and got to the gym after checking the weather forecast.  i did the treadmill and came back home.  i took my insulin and pills, and i started to work on applications.  i got some put in, even have an interview on wednesday before my meeting.  i made my bed.  i waited on breakfast, because i didn't know if Marc was coming through.  and i waited for TF because i assumed she was coming for her shells in the a.m.  neither of those things happened, which threw my eating off badly.  on the flip side of that coin, i got to an OA meeting today.  Overeaters Anonymous, another of the spin-off fellowships that got pretty big and seems to be dwindling, at least in this area.  but i got there, and i got a schedule and maybe even a lead on a new headquarters for something that will be in the works sooner or later.
i had re-coordinated with TF about coming for her stuff by the time Syd came in from school.  before long, though, got a call from Heather that she'd been let out of jail and needed a ride from Trumbull county.  tried to get Syd to look out for TF but she was being dramatically 'tired' and i didn't feel like dealing with it.  sent TF a text that the door would be open and where the stuff would be and got on my way.  picked up Heather dropped her off on the south side and came back home.  started to get into it with Syd, but it just wasn't worth the energy that it would have taken.  so i told her i'd let it go for now.  then i fixed myself a burger and some soup and had dinner.
i am going to call Rachel back and i'm going to get some sleep soon.  i have to get in touch with Felecia about her book, as i need to get it finished and out of my possession.  this is not a mistake i'll willingly make again in the future.  i also need to check my calendar and put some order to some other things, but i think its is enough for now.  just wanted to make sure i got this in, and make sure that i remembered to stay grateful.  and i am.  i watched Captain Courageous last night.  amazing movie. need move movies like that  thank you, Father, for love and sustenance today.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


it is time.

i started this day still in my head.  i'm there a lot, lately.
i should have went to the Kingdom Hall but i didn't.  i found out my mom wasn't going and i went to bed.
i should have read my bible, my meditation books, but i didn't.  i was feeling pensive, lost in my own mind.
i thought about directions i should be wandering in, things i should be looking to see...
but all i did was doze.  until it was time for my meeting.
they guy that was supposed to chair today didn't show up.  made a big to do about chairing this month, making sure everyone knew he was going to.  then he didn't show.
saw the girl who is supposed to chair wednesday's meeting as well, at Wal-Mart.  she didn't show at the meeting today either.
you get tired of negotiating with irresponsible, self-centered actions.
even when they're your own.

my plan tomorrow:
crunches and stretching
meds & breakfast
give TF her card and her stuffed shells
apartment hunting
tidy my space
start consolidating my things (optional)
prepare to shoot computer tech scene for Mechanical Jesus commercial
pay bills

is that enough?  it's what is on my list.

i still have to set a meet with the author from Campbell.  i still need to call the Daily Grind about a book signing.
but i have to take the steps i am capable of taking. deliberation is important.
it was a good meeting.
i have food in the freezer.
i am grateful to Jehovah for my life and all that is within it.
i am still growing.

that's enough for the night.  time to push.

the review

been a few days, been getting my head right.  sorry about the absence.  this log is the summation of friday and saturday, and i will get back on track for today later.

the picture is Minerva, who is chilling on the couch yesterday.  seemed a good picture to put into my mood files.

so, friday i was working on getting my shit together.  had a mini-meltdown on thursday after receiving the ss notification about the termination of Syd's funds, which would have decimated the household budget, thin as it already is.  i prayed, i was angry, i was scared, i was depressed (still am) and i wrote and i filed an appeal.  so friday, i was determined to do some better things.
i got up with prayer. i got to the gym, i read my books and scriptures, i ate right and i went to counseling.  i am not going to go into my counseling details at this moment, but i'm going to take a moment to express gratitude to God for putting such an amazing person in my life.  there are times when you know you're on the right road only because you have absolute trust in the person helping you read the map.  thank you, VF, for everything.
i started to let go.  i read the scriptures at Hebrews chapter 11, and i got a better grip.  i also have an understanding that if i fold during the crisis i delay the results of the effort.  so i moved forward though i didn't really want to.  it helped, i should say, that the money did come in, and it helped that i did get a call from a rep from SS stating that they were sending out the proper form for Syd's school to fill out so she could be registered in their system as full time and this would be corrected.  but, the truth is, God does not break his promises, and i have to remember that, regardless of the circumstances.

i spent the early part of yesterday in reflection and preparation.  i was reflecting on where my feet were, or are, and what direction i need to start moving them in.  the preparation was in the cooking of an eggplant lasagna and to be ready to make a shrimp and asparagus pasta dish.  i thought about the circumstances of my life.  about how i had thrown away so many opportunities, how i had squandered so many chances.  the Big Book says we shouldn't drift into morbid reflection, but sometimes you have to look, because you have to check your position and your shadow to see if you're heading the right way and how much time has passed.  i did pray.  i did my stretches and crunches and readings.  i talked to my folks.  and i came to some understandings.  i have to keep moving.  i have to go back to the old school way of taking care of business.
i know that i am blessed.  there are people who care about me, people who look after me and people who keep an eye on both myself and my child.  i know that I am blessed, as we have food, shelter, water, heat, clothing, transportation and income, and abundance doesn't matter when there are some who have none.  and i am blessed, because i need not be homeless, regardless of the circumstance.  i need only tend to the plant that is growing in my garden, tend to it with every expectation of it flourishing because i am putting the work in, and it will flourish.
i had a great visit with Rachel yesterday.  spent good time, ate good food, gave her some un-Valentine's day stuff, watched a movie, talked about some things.  i am going to my meeting, i didn't go to the Hall because i'm still being lazy.  i don't know what i'm doing this evening, but i will be getting my shit together for tomorrow.  that is a fact.  thank you, Father.  you have shown every time that You are Everything, and i am nothing apart from your power.  but with your power, i am everything i need to be.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

i don't know what else to do.

i'm writing this now, and it may be one of the last times i log here.  i'm sorry this journey has been so short, but it is apparently of a necessity.  i've been trying very hard to come out from under this cloud that is looming over me, but apparently, though God does not try a person with evil, i am being pushed, and i don't see a way out.

I just got a letter today from the Social Security Association.  They intend to cut Syd's SSI now, apparently with nothing coming this month.  that means aside from rent and a car payment and a couple of bills, i can do nothing.  no gas for the car, no food, no nothing.  i'm sitting here and i have tears in my eyes, and i know that's not enough.

i thought i had time.  i've been applying for jobs, and i've gotten interviews and no nibble.  the one that i did get, that i could have been doing, i turned down because i know as a diabetic i shouldn't have a driving job.  but was that a mistake as well?  is that the lesson here?  i don't know.  i'm not a young man anymore.  my back won't even stand up to a week of physical labor of any intensity.  i'm not going to be a fool, but at the same time i am going to go under, this very month, and there's not a damn thing i'm going to be able to do about it.  so maybe i'm already a fool, and i just don't know it.

i started the day with prayer, i've no regrets there.  this is not my God's fault.  this rests squarely upon my own shoulders.  and it's not that i've done anything wrong.  it's that i've forgotten to plan for the future better than i have.  i have front line bills, gas and electric.  i've got credit card bills that have to be paid on.  i've got a child who turns 18 in two weeks.  i've got nothing in the bank, nothing in savings.  what i'm making from book sales won't buy me a full tank of gas, and it's being spent as fast as i can sell books because i've got to have supplies for the house.

all the heaviness that i've labored under for all these weeks has just quadrupled upon me.  i don't have any more answers.  i don't have any other options.  i need divine intervention, and while i believe that is possible, i don't believe it's a probability.

its funny; i want to consider suicide, but it's not on the agenda.  i'm on the phone waiting for SS so i can speak to someone about appealing this.  i only needed until she graduated, and i know if i stayed diligent in searching for work it would have come to me.  but if they cut it this month, everything stops.  and that means i won't be able to continue with the publishing service plans or anything else.

there are no answers to be found here.  you realize, much too late, that you squander gifts and they don't return.  you realize, much too late, that if you don't appreciate what you've been given, you will miss it when you don't have it and need it.  i think about the waste; about the money trying to 'buy' a relationship with Heather, about just trying to live so-called 'normal'.  monthly income is not a normal life.  but i knew better.  knew better than to entertain the credit cards.  knew better than to take the loan.  and the galling part is that i didn't do extravagance.  i just did life things, small comfort things.  like, this is a punishment for wanting to be happy.  and i'm alone.  like i always am when the world shifts beneath my feet.

i don't know what i'm going to do.  i may not be as grateful as i should be today, and I'm sorry about that, Jehovah.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

a really bad name for a really short month...


The Roman month Februarius was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar.

This is really a good start to a month, but i have come to have a disdain for February in general.  i think mostly because of Black History Month, where suddenly everyone is kind of cool with blackness.  but also because it is generally the coldest month of winter, and i'm not enjoying this cold at all, to be perfectly honest.  but it does mean that spring is a month or so away, and that's always a good thing.  

i got up today after a HUUUUUUGE sleep.  i mean, i crashed like a rubbernecker on a cellphone on the turnpike in an ice storm.  i crashed and woke with my internal alarm and Syd knocking on my door, telling me Joe was taking her to get some breakfast at 430 in the morning.  i waved her on and went back to sleep.  then i got up officially and had my prayer and moved slowly.  i started my breakfast before she left for school.  because my back's been bothering me i forwent any exercise at all today, trying to rest everything.  i had a good initial sugar reading, had ham and eggs for breakfast, took meds and insulin.  my meeting was very short, my parents are doing okay, and i am ready for whatever will masquerade as a nap today.  i have a day between myself and renewed funds, and i can hold out for 36 hours.  meanwhile, i am feeling pretty good, i am not in a great deal of discomfort, i am thoughtful and thankful, as Sly put it, and i am grateful, above all else.  God always shows me that it's taken care of, and I always act like i don't know that it is, though i do know.  i'm done.  sorry about yesterday, but i was tired.  cooking for my parents has a way of doing that.