
Saturday, October 1, 2016

it's saturday.  i feel good, waking up was slow but that was more due to the nature of Nature than the inner weather that's had me sort of sluggish lately.  i can live with a dreary day.

i got up and thought about some things that have been going on in my life lately.  it's foolish to believe that i know better than God, and it's foolish to think that somehow God has forgotten about me.  things work out in due time, and due time is God's time.  i just have to do my part.

but, to the point:

yesterday, after counseling, i went to the store and got things that i'd need for the house, with the exception of coffee and creamer.  i used funds that were running as low as they could, but i knew it would be an expenditure that wouldn't need to be made in October.  i also got Syd shampoo & conditioner and notebooks for school.  then i went to visit my parents.  my dad was gone but my mother and aunt were home.  i talked to my mom for a little while and then went to get some lunch and headed home.  i felt good, i just didn't feel like trying to be especially creative with no money on hand.

i'd talked to Rachel a couple of times but she sounded so subdued i didn't try to stay on the phone with her.  i know she's depressed, and i know she's bummed.  at a point i sent her the information of a gentleman i know from the Program who does home repair, and she can contact him if she wants to.  i don't know how much help he might be, but i know it's better than nothing.

for dinner i pulled ribs out from the last grill of the year, leftover string beans, and i baked a potato.  good dinner.  i watched some old Star Trek and went to bed.  but before i went to bed, i called Patrice.

I'd talked about doing so while i was in counseling.  i have been thinking about her, and realizing that i missed my friend.  so i called, and there was no answer, and she texted me that she would call after her meeting.  my cousin Angela also called and i called her back but she never reconnected after that.  lost a lot of people in ten years.  anyway, Patrice called back and we talked, and i apologized, and she sort of did (her contrition was more easily perceived than mine was even with my apology, if that makes sense to my future self), and we spoke for a good while.  she'd taken her trip to Ireland and Scotland, a part of her heritage, and i told her of my life up til now and we texted good morning this morning, so there you go.  a good day, a good thing, and a third of the money for the month is on the card now, so things are moving along.

i got up and started taking insulin and meds, and i prayed at the table because i didn't pray at my bedside, and i got breakfast together and watched the Rifleman for a bit.  i want to work some on my song but i have the issue of headphones not working with this computer.  i paid less than 100 bucks for the pc so i'm not really disappointed.  i'm just wondering if new headphones would work better of if i need a better fix.

i'm going to see Heather today.  I'm going downtown to take some film today.  rainy day downtown people traffic should be groovy.  i'm going to the store to buy some dinner today.  i'm going to call Rachel shortly, just because.  and i'm going to be grateful, because i am alive and i am as healthy as i will be at the moment and i have no pressing engagements.  that is a blessing at this point in life.  so, thank you Father, for breath and thought and mobility, and i'm going to get moving now.

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