
Monday, October 3, 2016


today was a good day, but i feel a little unfriendly, a little antisocial.  i don't know exactly why, but that's how it went down.  i felt good getting up, got dressed and had coffee and got my ass to the gym but it was closed for the Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah.  which, mind you, i should have known, but i forgot.  so i came home, and got to work on a new project.  eventually i saw Syd off to school, had breakfast, meds and insulin, and got myself in motion to pay my rent.  i went to the bank, got money out, and my landlord was elsewhere so i ended up at big lots though i had planned not to go this month, and i got some coffee for the meeting, an extra bag in case i need some, shampoo for myself, and some odd and end stuff.  then i went to pay my rent and came home.

i went to lunch with Lonnie, but my dad came by first and returned $10 dollars he borrowed on sunday.  then i went to my parent's and washed a load of clothes and talked with my mom for a bit.  i brought my clothes home to dry because people were on their way in the house, including Deedy whom i try not to bother with when it can be helped.  my aunt was coming in from work and my dad was coming from either a wake or a doctor's appointment as well.  i got home and Syd was here with Jo.  i kind of zoned out mostly, until i heard from Rachel.  she asked if she could borrow my car and i told her sure as i have nothing else going on at the moment.  i suggested she take time to wash her mountain of clothes while she has transportation to the laundry mat, but she likely won't.  i am going to get some water, run a bath and crash, and think on what i'm doing with my day tomorrow.  bills, probably, and then figuring what dinner is supposed to be.  not much else to say today, but that doesn't make it a bad day.  just a day spent grumpily.  ]

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