
Saturday, October 22, 2016

move toward your blessing

i am tired, and that is without any fanfare or exaggeration.  I have had a long day, and it is getting close to its ending.  but i want to make sure i get this down.  this is very important to me.

I got up, prayed and talked myself out of the gym.  this has to be corrected.  things will get physically better for me if i take the time to get myself in a routine.  I don't think it will result in me getting thin, but it will result in me getting healthy enough to change some things in my life.  I got up, however, and i got myself into thought.  I saw Syd off to school and I thought about this project I am embarking upon.  I thought about how i needed to get back to my outreach work, and how I know the problems that I'm facing already.  and then it occurred to me.  I needed to reach out more specifically.
now, here's the deal.  I know this about a blessing.  i know that a blessing works best when the person in need of one is trying to do the right things toward it.  a person cannot fulfill their own blessing, because blessings by their nature come from outside of the individual.  but in the spiritual sense, if God is going to bless a person, it helps a lot if the person is walking toward that blessing.  like, if I am praying to win the lottery, the chances of that happening are extremely thin if i'm not playing the lottery.  If i pray for good health and i'm doing unhealthy things, it works against the request.

so i am in prayer for the successful printing of my book, the successful marketing of OLD LAZARUS,  the successful launch of my business.  and i think about my friends Kat and Lisa.  Kat is in Florida, has her own baked goods company online now.  Lisa is in Columbus, was one of the high ranking members of the group Eternal Vibologism and is a Jack of all trades.

speaking to Lisa was a blessing.

she is willing to plug me into her magazine, which is cool.  she's willing to do a write-up on the book, which is cool too.  but what she did was vintage Lisa, and vintage cool.  she suggested a company that might make the printing a LOT easier.  I MEAN A LOT.  and i'm going to investigate it tomorrow.

i had dinner and conversation with Rachel.  I helped my dad get stuff down to his event and helped get the food in the house he brought home from the event.  i am grateful for the blessing of good intel.  i am going to sleep.  Thank you, Father for a wonderful day.

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