
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

almost 5am

yeah, i'm just getting up.  getting back to my life.  and getting this stuff down and coming back around a bit later.

mad with Syd right now.  tired of the delays and the second thoughts about who i am and where she is.  i'm not going to do for ungrateful people right now, not going to happen.  got too many things i need to be taking care of, and that's energy i can use more efficiently if i just stay focused on the road ahead.

she seems to think i need to ask her to see her doctor's papers from a dental emergency visit.  seems to think i need to ask to see her glasses on her face. i have no problem with striving for independence, but i have a problem with being disregarded, as she damn well knows.  and i'm not going to pretend that it's not happening.

are these portents of what getting older is really like?  because if they are, my strive for self-sufficiency in a financial sense is imperative.  i have to make sure i'm taking care of me the way others will have to take care of me.  if i'm not really taking care of me, then anyone can do anything to me eventually and i'll be in no position to contest it.

i see people doing dumb things, living lives as if they will never grow up.  grown people living children's lives.  i don't understand how this keeps happening.  talking to people, seeing the insanity manifesting over and over, and no real end in sight.  so in the end, its just one more way that the world has us programmed, bad beginnings and bad endings.  i don't want that for myself.  but it would make a good book title.

i talked to the landlord, i talked to One Main and i have two people on board for the 10 individual request for the pre-sale. i have individuals who are saying they will purchase, and that is positive as well, but the ones who actually follow through are going to be the key.

more later.

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