
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

tiny peppers

...suffice it to say they were hotter than expected, and therefore the discomfort of our parting kept me from wanting to sit...and do anything.  nuff said.

so, i got up and prayed and didn't go to the gym yesterday.  i don't know what the problem is, but i know that i have to get right.  i did unhook my cable box and took it and the remote back to time-warner.  i also downgraded to their starter service, and will likely lower even more, as i don't really want to keep being distracted by television.  i went to the post office as well, mailed the books to my friend in Ontario, found out it is a ridiculous amount of money and issue to mail a package across the border.  i mailed Heather a letter as well, got it done in time for her to maybe contact Jackie (program friend, woman) before the week is out.  have to remember to contact Meridian Services again today.

i went to the store and got stuff for hamburgers for dinner, i took a very nice bath (soothing after the peppers) and i got myself groomed.  i had leftovers for lunch and i napped a bit.  i did not watch television and i can't say i missed it.  my brain has to recover from much electronic input.  it's going to have to recover from Facebook and wasted internet time soon as well, but one thing at a time.

i talked to Rachel only briefly.  I know she's still processing.  a lot of intimacy tends to make her drift, and it was  a lot of intimacy when i saw her last.  but i'm not going to pressure her.  a person can not be made to feel good about feeling good.  they have to discover the rightness in that for themselves.

i shut it down early, determined to get up today and get my day started right.  so i got up this morning, said my prayers, got dressed for the gym, heated the last of yesterday's coffee and made a fresh pot before i got out the door.  i just did a half hour on the treadmill, but it's a start.  i went to wal-mart and got stuff for a soup to use these hot greens in, and i'm going to get my day started for real right now.  some film i have to get, some stills, i want to address the issue of people displacement in a dying city.  and i have to message more people on my list about possibly getting me some folks to buy Old Lazarus.  it's starting slow, but with four books sold, can't really argue results.  later.

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